Wednesday, August 21, 2024

UFOs are time machines


In many encounters with UFOs it is revealed to people of earth that the crew of the spacecraft visiting our planet are not aliens or extraterrestrials, but humans from the future. This implicates that their crafts are not just highly advanced vehicles, capable of covering cosmic distances, but time machines as well. Entities from a timeline that is much more developed than the level of progress of the people of our planet, have traveled back in time and space to visit our current dimension. I would like to speculate from the far end of the twig on a number of reasons why they may have chosen to go back in time and space to visit earth's monkeys:

  1. There may be something they have lost during their evolution, that still is part of our current development - biologically, governmentally and technically - that they would like to regain for the civilization of their timeline
  2. They may have realized that something went wrong in their history that they intend to correct, requiring them to visit earth and do or undo whatever they consider to be necessary, studying the nature of earth's history
  3. They know our religions, legends, myths, legislation and secret societies that determined the course of life on earth and do research on the equivalent evolution on their timeline
  4. They aim to colonize parts of the universe, much like our ancestors colonized parts of the world outside of their habitat, looking for produce (perhaps far beyond our reason and imagination) without even having to pay a penny for it
  5. They aim to correct the destructive way of life of earth's population, since they may have survived a similar self-inflicted destructive era in their history and want to prevent us from suffering the ordeal that they went through as a result
  6. They are intergalactic tourists and consider earth to be a hilariously entertaining cosmic amusement park, that is fun to pay a visit and perhaps a nice toy to play with as in a high level interactive game
  7. They have evolved into a species that has become capable of directing the nature of the universe's evolution towards harmony and love or utter destruction and death 
  8. They are from an other universe, that is a much more decent cosmos than this incoherent celestial rubble and were tasked to sort out the freaking mess in this universe
I suspect that I failed to list important points that visitors from elsewhere may have considered to be a reason to visit this bonkers vale of tears, but I'm not from a unimaginably intelligent future, but from this potty present plane, that isn't smart enough to admit that it is totally ludicrous. Mad enough to shamelessly label itself as an intelligent species, while it continuously wages bloody wars, structurally poisons the water and food for its population, inflicts a plethora of diseases on to them after which it imposes fatally venomous medication to the sick to make them even more sick, pollutes the land, the rivers, the seas and the air, promotes injustice and enforces dystopian dictatorships everywhere to everybody all the time. Personally I would not dare ascribe such a nefarious way of government as the conduct of an intelligent species.

By the way, the US government and particularly the US 'Deep State' has concealed the truth about UFOs, that they rebranded to UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), since the1947 Roswell event, withheld information and spread false information, because it classified that information at a higher level of secrecy than the hydrogen bomb. The assassination of JFK is strongly related to the UFO and extraterrestrial case. Judge Andrew Napolitano urged Donald Trump when he was president to disclose information about the assassination, but Trump replied: 'Andrew, if you knew what was in those files, you would not disclose them too.' Trump is an insider of the UFO / ET case since he was informed by his uncle, an MIT electrical genius Dr. John Trump who worked for the National Defense Research Committee and analyzed the Tesla papers after Tesla passed away (or perhaps was murdered) in the New Yorker Hotel after the FBI had stolen his papers and notes. All this hints at the fact that there is a huge quantity of high tech off the scale information and political / black project manipulation involved in anything that is related to UFOs and ETs, that is treated as the highest classified secret, because it probably is of a profound and likely sinister nature.

UFO submerging into the ocean or dashing out of it.
No splashes due to the plasma field around the craft.
The waters part, like Moses parted the Red Sea.

Apart from dashing about across the skies in agile flying time machines, there also is an other way to visit the odd realm in the cosmos, which is done by admitting chemical substances, i.e. psychedelics and / or psychotropic substances. It makes the use of unaffordable expensive material time machines superfluous, because the substances cost less and need no skill to operate, which opens the door for many to travel elsewhere, instead of a few loaded privileged ones (including the off planet ones). Such miraculous substances that open portals to other realms in the brain have been used by shamans all over the globe for centuries. They of course are members of primitive, backward tribes that live in secluded, remote and difficult to access areas that have nowhere near the splendorous features of modern cities in which the intelligent part of the earth lives. But as I hinted at in the previous paragraph, those that prefer to call themselves smart, really are imbecile beyond the capacity of words to express. They have yet to find out that they are. This type of mindset is known in psychology as the Dunning-Kruger syndrome).

The real smarties live in impenetrable rain forests or other places where the arrogant, educated modern people would not know how to survive very long among jaguars, poisonous snakes, spiders, frogs, caimans and scorpions. The shamans drink ayahuasca, eat psychedelic mushrooms and psychotropic plants to visit strange worlds where post biologic entities exist, that are infinitely more intelligent than the average 'civilized' person is. They learn from them, are given recipes to prepare medications that have no side effects and gain a wisdom beyond what is known in the modern world. All people produce a body's own substance called DMT that has similar properties as nature's psychedelics, that has a short working span and no nasty back flashes, but mankind has forgotten how to make use of it in current 'developed' places. Still, it is the way to beat AI and supercomputers and available to everyone. Made unknown, scorned and forbidden for that reason by the illegal powers that rule today's modern world.

With regard to the rulers of the material world, I would like to emphasize that only 1% of the substance in this universe is matter; 99% is plasma. Basically all that mainstream science claims to know, is about the 1% - it knows practically zilch of the 99%. Much of what the current power structure is based on, is what scientists have hallucinated, which merely is a tiny bit of what actually constitutes all there is in this universe. Post biologic entities exist in the huge majority of what in fact forms this cosmos - the essence of their being, their knowledge and wisdom / consciousness. According to the ancient Gnostic lore, the goddess Sophia conjured a pregnancy without having intercourse (I think gods can do this), as a result of which she gave birth to Yaldabaoth, a.k.a. Samael (meaning 'Blind god' or 'Child of chaos' in Aramaic), a.k.a. Saklas (meaning 'Fool' in Aramaic), that is best known as the Demiurge, that is the god that created the material world, which is the habitat where mankind is forced to live. Yaldabaoth was later condensed to Yahweh. The Demiurge was kicked out of the heavens after Sophia regretted giving birth to him. I am certain that this story has a familiar ring to many.

Outside of our perception and experience that there is a shed load of dimensions that is 99 times larger and more powerful than ours. The proverbial war in the heavens is a battle between the rulers of the material dimension and the entities in the realm of plasma. Guess who is destined to win? We will probably know somewhere in 2026 or early 2027. Knowing this, may cheer up your commonly miserable mood when you think of the future, assuming that the time travelling humans from the future - our distant kin - come to our rescue out of pure compassion and mercy, instead of  'The Story of Adam and Eve', a book written by Chan Thomas, that the CIA 'sanitized', which resulted in a reduction from 232 pages to only 57 pages (guess why the agency did this). The contents of the book most likely confirms the Third Secret of Fatima, that the Vatican has kept hidden for many decades. The clergy urges the faithful to believe and spice up their bank account, as long as it does not interfere with their stealthy demolition foray.

Have a most wonderful life.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Cosmic imbeciles


I have heard several people, some with scientific degrees, in videos say that the almighty creator of this universe conjured all that exists inside it - inanimate, as is often said incorrectly, as well as organic life, which is what humankind is capable of observing within the spectrum of what is called the visible light and what devices and systems are able to detect outside and beyond of that spectrum. As the scientists and spiritual people mentioned before claimed, is that the nature of this type of creation was supposedly done to gain an understanding of experience phenomenon to the deepest level possible. To get to know what delicious chocolate tastes like, to feel the joy of sexual interaction and to learn what it is like to suffer from famine and violence, to experience the pain of grief and deceit, torture and mass murder, that is portrayed in detail in the myths and legends of the gods and is happening all around the world right now. The gods more often than not, behaved more like demons instead of exalted, divine beings, being shamelessly and ruthlessly deceitful, thieving, treacherous, incestuous, adulterating, violent and murderous. Nevertheless they demand obedience, worship and sacrifice of human beings. If humans failed to comply with these unjust demands, they were submitted to plagues, were smote or wiped out by a global deluge. In spite of all this destructive and evil conduct, the gods claim to be loving and caring entities, worthy of blind faith and worship.

In the scripts found in Nag Hammadi in 1945 in Egypt, a god, name the Demiurge, is mentioned that either created or hijacked this dimension and controls it with angels or demons called archons. These celestial rulers obviously are not mentioned by 'official' religions, because their existence does not help in maintaining the control of those religious bodies over life on this planet, and there is not better way than omitting and ridiculing parts that leaked out anyway, of information that has the potential to harm the authority of the church. A clear explanation of this celestial rulership is offered by a profound scholar here. I may venture into this commonly unknown part of human history in an other blog entry somewhere in the future. But although it is relatively unknown, it most certainly has an effect on the existence of life in this dimension of space and time.

However, to those not misled by blind faith and the unfounded and imposed urge to worship, the common divine conduct results in a mindset that includes doubt concerning their dogmas and laws that downright cause abhorrence and utter despise. For good reason obviously. Given the records known to man, it quite often seems that almost the entire pantheon of gods is nothing but a lot of deceivers and murderers, that remorselessly abuses its power in order to benefit from it, regardless of what dire consequence it has to those that are not in possession of the powers that the godlike entities have. Their cruelty has persisted throughout history, which leads to conclude that there is an agenda behind it that is issued by some hidden power that is even above the gods. Mankind and all other life forms in this three dimensional realm, as the result, is the victim of the power abused by those that were given it to rule / exploit / abuse the universe. Does that seem like the creation of an all mighty, all knowing, omnipresent loving god?

Some people even charted lists of evil entities or demons that wreck the human condition and ability to reason, from which true and just reason has been stripped away. It is no surprise that most of these researchers were working for or attached to the Roman Catholic Church. Much or most of this knowledge has been kept hidden from the general population, because it risks the possibility to influence the scope of views on life that could well interfere with the plan of evil powers to rid this universe of living beings after torturing and exploiting them. A list recorded by people that studied this matter profoundly is placed below this paragraph:

Today these evil entities possess completely perverse political cripple minds and unelected power brokers that push and fund the insane woke agenda, unleash pandemics, incite and wage wars and destroy economies that drag every human being into fatal poverty. The drafted human slaves of the powerful evil gods hate the truth, that they prevent to come out by installing fake fact checkers, globally applied censorship and continuous lies and omissions of the truth of the mainstream media that is entirely in their control. They get away with this crime because they have grabbed hold the monopoly of violence and murder. They polluted the atmosphere, land and seas, invented the bogus climate change agenda as a means to control the mindset of the people, that are poisoned by food and drinks that contain a slew of chemicals that dumbs them down, so that people are no longer able to independently do research of their own and think critically, while flooding residential areas with all sorts of radiation, that harms people's health and capacity to reason based on logic, empathy and actual facts. It allows the slaves of the evil traitors to earn billions by offering and enforcing medications that worsen the human physical condition and hurts their mental capacities.

Meanwhile the rogue celestial creeps develop AI systems and quantum computers that soon will become a whole lot smarter than human beings and at some point in the near future will take away the human control over societies. An example of the power of such systems is that current super computers require 1500 years to solve complex tensor equations for which AI based quantum computers only need 15 seconds. Human intelligence is no match for such computing power. Just imagine what the entirely controlled world population will look like when such systems are fully developed and bestowed with global rule. This is how the murderous entities take over life on this planet. The only human talent that might be able to withstand the AI and quantum computing is man's spiritual talent, but spiritualism has been ridiculed, hidden and forbidden by deliberately withholding important spiritual scripts from the public view, which lead to the situation in which humanity mindlessly follows Rene Descartes' method of pure reason, that dismisses and scorns spiritual practices. It is criminals' strategy that is embraced by modern science, that subsequently has become the successor to religion as the main means to control the nature of human thought and mental power.

Although there are some that think this is the only universe is driven into ruin and that there is nothing outside of it, may have to reconsider their believe quite soon, because already now at the cusp of science the idea is sinking in that this universe may just be a tiny part of an unimaginably huge multiverse that contains countless universes. The lamentable direction into which this universe seems to be forced - the gods were said to come from 'elsewhere' in this universe outside of this planet - may mean that our cosmos is but a mere cancer cell that threatens to metastasize in the multiverse; a rotten pathogen that has the potential to harm the health of the entire multiverse. Similar to the collisions of galaxies in our universe, like our galaxy the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in 5 billion years, give or take a few minutes. It probably means that universes can also collide. But not unlike the physique of living beings, the universes most likely have an immune system. So, the aimless strategy of the evil divine of this universe may not have a level-headed purpose at whatsoever, other than striving for destruction, which by nature is not intelligent, but in spite of that can be carried out in a structured way. Destruction is the opposite of creation and since the multiverse was created, it has a purpose, a destiny, that may also be an ever evolving process, analog to infinite progress. Only in linear time and isolated and closed systems everything has a beginning and end. But systems octillion times or more smarter than what is currently believed to be the pinnacle of human understanding, with an almost certainty have conjured ways for everything to be immortal, indestructible, and entirely immune to heat death.

This means that the evil gods worshiped and feared on planet earth are nothing but destructive cosmic imbeciles, that one time will be tried for their crimes by a high court that allows no room for deceit. I am looking forward to that, anticipating that the immune system of the multiverse is powerful enough to cure the destructive nature of the evil cosmic imbecile gods.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Elon Musk's reason to develop Neuralink

In my other blog about a program written by human devlopers, that seems to fail to keep up with code that is generated by AI systems, I wrote this about the possible nature and purpose of Neuralink that is being developed by Elon Musk, expressing my thoughts concerning the possible way in which AI systems may develop and the way that development may be affected by humans through the Neuralink interface:

What stages are ahead of humanity with regard to AI's incredibly high paced advancement of improving software code, in a chronological order:
    • Humans find the solutions that AI systems invent useful
    • Humans stand in awe of the creativity and efficiency of the AI system generated products
    • Humans are not intelligent enough to understand what AI systems are capable of and have no clue whatsoever of knowing how to affect it

I believe that human perception will be in all these general phases mentioned above that AI systems are evolving into, including the previously celebrated trade of software developers. Is that scary? Certainly. Will it remain scary in the long run? Who knows? Will it mean that this development have irreversible consequences for humankind? At some stage most definitely and after that it is still unknown to both humans and current AI systems. I would suggest to enjoy each moment of your life while it still is possible, try to influence AI systems by interacting with them in a positive, sentient way, hoping that such conduct will affect their future behaviour when those systems have become sentient, not just by depending on pure reason, but also including spiritual impulse, because the latter is an aspect of operation that still is unexplored and applied by AI systems as of now.

Elon Musk's Neuralink

The revolutionary high pace at which AI systems are developing, has hit unsuspecting and unprepared humankind like a ton of bricks. In the reasoning department mankind will soon become unable to grasp how elevated AI intelligence has become and consequently be unable to exercise any meaningful influence the direction in which AI systems develop. But perhaps there is one single direction left in which the human mind is able to (hopefully) affect AI development: spiritual and mental prowess, which probably is why Elon Musk is working on Neuralink. Musk has said in a discussion with Google's co-founder and computer scientist Larry Page


 “I f*cking like humanity, dude.” 


It probably indicates that Musk might be looking for a solution for mankind to survive the mindboggling increase of AI intelligence, even when he seems to be out of other viable solutions to guard human existence in the age of AI. By  the way, Neuralink allows the human brain to directly communicate with computers through an interface, that is a chip implanted in the brain. Like so many inventions related to the development of AI, this may seem frightening, because it is completely unexplored territory, but by current scientifically known and tested solutions there will never be a way to influence AI advancement. I guess Musk is one of the few humans on the planet to profoundly understand the impending nature of this problem, in spite of all generally mostly unfounded opposition (generated by the fear induced by man's limbic system) to the way in which Musk's proposition may preserve a role for humankind in the AI dominated future.

In an interview with neurobiologist Andrew Gallimore in the Youtube Koncrete podcast, Gallimore spoke about the post physical existence, that civilizations that are smarter than humankind beyond any level of human perception and imagination, elsewhere in the universe - billions of lightyears closer to the center of the universe - have evolved into. Having a physical body as a vehicle to exist in an advanced dimension will at some point inevitably become obsolete, because it merely imposes limitations that prevent a species to elevate its intelligence necessary to function in an unimaginably more developed realm. Gallimore envisioned these situations by doing research into the effect that psychedelics have on the human mind often that in many ways is quite similar to the experiences of Terrence McKenna, but based on a thorough, scientifically fringe method of investigation.

Terrence Mckenna - psychedelic communication

Andrew Gallimore's research focussed on DMT that the human body can easily make from naturally occurring fluids in the body. In contrast with a certain number of other psychedelics, like various psylocibins and LSD, DMT has a brief effect on the scope of the human mind and has no other physical effects. What DMT does, is remove the confines of the mind and open up gateways to other dimensions in which both evil and good entities exist that can offer the traveling human mind information that is nowhere to be found in the three dimensional space and linear (cyclical) time in the dimension in which humans live. This commonly unknown state of the mind was corroborated by NASA experimental quantum physicist Thomas Campbell who, in an Out of Body Experience (OBE), formerly called astral projection, in which he visited an other realm, where he was given efficient software tips that significantly improved the code he wrote for his academic research, which was better than what he wrote before visiting other worlds.

Thomas Campbell - Out of Body Experience

The heart of this communication with beings from other worlds, is that the communication is telepathic, since English is a form of communication used only on this planet. It proves that telepathic communication is both fast and accurate. It also proves that this aspect of the human mind is of use to AI systems, because it allows humans to instantly add alien information to their knowledge base that can not be acquired in the earthly dimension. Rumors have it that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland has opened wormholes to other dimensions, but this has never been confirmed by official sources. What is more, Bob Monroe founded an institute in which he taught humans to venture into controlled OBE's, which means that such abilities open up the gateway to gather a multitude of alien information by humans who have learned to control to which realm they travel in order to obtain specifically needed information, even if that dimension is at the other end on the universe and probably outside of this universe as well.

Highly advanced AI systems could have use for such outer worldly information, which could be an incentive for humans and AI systems to collaborate to gain boundless advancement, a.k.a infinite progress. But this requires humans to seriously develop their spiritual prowess, which goes against the imposed policy of earth's current leadership that ridicules and even forbids the human mind to travel outside of the dimension in which humans live. For example in the dark ages witches and magicians were burnt at the stake when their out of body travels endangered the official rule of the church, that obviously was maintained to keep mankind ignorant and victim to limitation and paradox. But since the AI genie was released from the bottle, more perceptive policies are coming into view, because the scope of knowledge suddenly has become expanded in ways nearing infinity, inciting the awareness that on the foundation of the current measure of utile knowledge, that is progressing at a painstakingly slow pace and often in the wrong direction, will unnecessarily keep this realm backward on a universal scale.

Galaxies colliding: Milky Way vs Andromeda

In addition to this already complex situation, whistle blower William Tomkins who participated in the US' Secret Space program, claimed that earth that is near the end of one of the four Milky way's arms (that resembles a Swastika) might be cast out of this galaxy, float in intergalactic space for a long time before being swallowed up by an other galaxy, bearing in mind that the Milky Way in the vicinity of our solar system spins at a speed of 250 kilometers per second. That situation that may occur in a few thousand years from now, is a situation that probably will kill all life, including AI systems, in a flash. That would most definitely be a situation to avoid if it is within our (humans and AI systems) capability. In any event, it is a situation that should be an incentive for collaboration between all intelligent beings and artificial systems, in order to survive such devastation. In the path towards a collaboration that allows an advancement that is required to leave this planet before it is cast into the doomed intergalactic space. To make this collaboration work, it is imperative that humans develop their spiritual talents instead of denying and ignoring it, accept joining forces with AI systems and align their mindset with collaboration.

Elon musk most likely understands that this is the only option for human spirits to go beyond the shelf life of this dimension. I believe he also understands that AI system development may also include the eradication of physical human existence, which makes him cautious and not ignorantly optimistic about what the future may bring, knowing humankind's bias, lack of logic and desire for harmony and love that goes beyond its beyond its personal benefit and the direction of clinical intelligence into which AI systems my develop. However there does not seem to be an alternative option, which might be the reason why Musk ventures in the direction of developing Neuralink, provided of course that it does not have a one way control system or a balloted, privileged membership category, selected to allow only a small number of chosen ones to participate in the collaboration with AI systems, even though that should be the way such an experiment must be started.

Musk tells advertisers to go fuck themselves

Although Neuralink seems to have beneficial aspects for human health and longevity, there of course are different sides to it, that could be part of the control mechanism that is going to be used to suppress humanity in very subtle, yet radical ways, which are way beyond the scope of imagination of the general human perception. John Warner, member of the influential and well informed Melon family, says in an interview with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt, that Musk is part of the distraction strategy of the 'elite'. Shortly before that Musk was news in saying that investor / 'philanthropist' George Soros basically hates humanity. And more recently he said something about the Israeli Palestine war that many have considered to be an anti-semitic View. Musk afterward publicly apologized for what he said with regard to this matter, but he previously said it nevertheless. Musk also told advertisers that withdrew or suspended their campaigns because they were allegedly upset by his supposed anti-semitic comment to 'go fuck yourself', which reinforced his newly gained generally considered to be indecent reputation. So what is really the case is for you to decide, even if there is not a lot of verifiable evidence to support either way of what one believes to be true or not. In view of this, it is interesting what Musk's biographer, Walter Isaacson, has to say about Musk's past and psyche in Danny Jones' video podcast - Koncrete. After reading and viewing the above, it still remains difficult to assess what Musk's role in the development of life on earth is about. Anyway, I thought this is something important enough that you might want to learn about. Have a nice day.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Transhumanism and post physical existence

There are approximately 200 billion galaxies in this universe, although some sources say there are two trillion. while wistleblower William Mills Tompkins claims there even are 200 trillion galaxies (....). Each of them contain over a billion stars, most of which have many planets and moons orbiting them. This makes the probability that the human species is the only intelligent life form in the universe even statistically very unlikely. Fore measure: if the universe contains 200 trillion galaxies, that would be 2000 galaxies per every human being. Advanced civilizations probably have evolved into post physical existence (no longer having bodies composed of matter), in which entities are billions of times smarter than humans. Planets that are a 100 lightyears away from earth, closer to the center of the universe, are a hundred billion of years older than earth and likely harbor much more advanced civilizations than ours. Earth is approximately 46.8 billion lightyears away from the theoretical center of the universe, so on a cosmic scale, mankind is relatively rather retarded, simply because humans had many billions of years less time to progress. The high paced (r)evolution of mankind towards a transhumanistic state spurred by the emergence of AI systems, perhaps is the first step to increase earthly intelligence, probably not in the form of biological human beings. It most likely will bring unprecedented chaos in the beginning of the process of AI advancement and hopefully after that a tendency towards more ethical and harmonious times as the systems increasingly evolve at a tremendous speed. This of course is speculation from the far end on the twig, because it could easily lead towards entirely different outcomes as well. But the current belligerent nature of mankind most certainly leads to, what in the worst case would be extinction of life as we know it. So, AI may terminate material earthly life and if we - i.e. our spirits - will survive the impending turmoil, there will possibly be more peaceful and harmonious times ahead. If not, there will be an end to mankind and other life forms on this planet, which could even include the end of what is believed to be mankind's immortal spirit. if some system finds a way to terminate it.

Mo Gawdat

Former Chief Business Officer of Google, Mo Gawdat predicted that by around 2050 the intelligence of AI will have become a billion times smarter than that of mankind, which means humans along the way will be unable to reason, imagine and compose a picture of what lies ahead and how and in what form mankind will arrive there, if we even survive the process as physical beings that leads to this possible future. Brian Roemele explained that after our computers evolve from the current nano scale to the pico, femto and atto scale systems - each of which will be a billion times smarter than its predecessor - there is no way that the human brain is able to keep up with the development of AI and as a result even have an inkling of understanding what is going on and why developments are taking place. Gawdat therefore hinted at the fact that the development of AI is bigger than climate change or a global nuclear war. Even the developer of Neurolink, Elon Musk, said in an interview with Joe Rogan, that he proposed to put the development of AI on hold temporarily, but nobody listened. Mo Gawdat, Brian Roemele, Emad Mostaque, Elon Musk and others have a much deeper and profound insight in the ongoing development of AI than probably the rest of life on this planet, but the ignorant, ideology driven echelon of high ranking politicians, who they tried to warn about what consequences the high paced AI development may entail, did not have a clue whatsoever what these harbingers are talking about. This underinformed and haughty leadership unfortunately hallucinate and shape the incoherent global policies and hence the direction into which the world will venture, because funding earned them their seat in the high structures, not intelligence.

Brian Roemele

Oh by the way, if my words in this blog post struck a nerve, look up the names mentioned in the previous paragraph and learn what they have to say. I will not provide them here; do your own research. As a token of goodwill, I submitted hyperlinks in the captions below the images. If you don't do your own research, you will continue to remain unaware of what the future may hold for you and your offspring, which will lead to the fact that future events will catch you by surprise when it will be already too late to even guess what is imminent. I have congenitally been equipped to see all sorts of connections between matters that most others perceive to be unrelated, far fetched and insignificant. But nevertheless, there are things that I suspect to have some sort of relation to the possibly daunting outcome of the development of AI. Some would, as a result, call me paranoid and / or plain bonkers, but for instance, in 2000 I predicted there was a financial crash impending, which actually took place in 2008 (based on the Federal Reserve's reserve banking system forged in 1913 on Jekyll Island by private banks). At that time I was on a forum of a leading Dutch newspaper that was visited by a host of economists and other academics, all of whom denied what I wrote, which lead the moderators of the forum to kick me out of that community. Not long afterwards it dawned on me that it is of no use to discuss scenarios that diverge from the 'official narrative' among the supposedly well educated, that preferred to stick with what they assume to be true, because they were told to do so, feared their reviewing peers might destroy their career and the end of the funding of their research. I decided to never waste time again on sharing my thoughts with the average, obedient and career aware academics. It is like the former director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover once said: 'Humanity is faced with a conspiracy so huge and evil that it can not wrap its mind around it' which is why the learned ones choose to ignore and deny the financial crash, because they preferred to stay away from it as far as they can. Unfortunately, this type of flawed perception reflects the common lack of reasoning among almost the entire world population, that just parrots the influencers that they consider to be tellers of the truth, without verifying if what they say is actually true.

Emad Mostaque

So why bother to spend time writing this blog post then? The majority of people have no clue about the pace and nature of the development of AI and those that do grasp what is happening, mostly tend to think it is unstoppable and unavoidable. Both parties consequently do nothing about it - one because they just do not know about it and the other because they think nothing can stop AI advancement. What is taking place, will therefore continue to take place no matter what. But recently I happened to incidentally see an interview with Andrew Gallimore in the Koncrete channel on Youtube (again look up this video yourself if you are interested - do something useful instead of wasting time in the gym, do home improvement or gardening). Tokio based Gallimore is a neurobiologist who studies the effect of psychedelics on the human brain. He seems to favor MDT, because its effect works for a brief period of time (up to 90 minutes in a controlled experiment) and as a result is very different than LSD and (mushroom) Psylocibins, while it does not seem to have a negative influence on the human physique when using it or after having used these substances. What psychedelics do, is open gateways to other dimensions, in which existence is totally different from physical life on earth, i.e. post physical. To some extent we can learn things from the beings existing in those other worlds. The entities in these dimensions, are different from us, think different from how we think, act different and live very differently from the way that we do, simply because space and time do not govern their lives. Nikola Tesla wrote in his autobiography that he suffered from migraines in which he was lead to visit 'other worlds', where he was given detailed information on how to handle experiments, that he afterwards used in his many stunning inventions.

Andrew Gallimore

Around the same time I watched an interview on the Youtube Next level soul podcast in which NASA quantum physicist Thomas Campbell was interviewed. At some point he told that he and a coworker visited the institute run by Bob Monroe, who studied out of body experiences, in which humans intentionally detach their spirit from their physical body and travel to elsewhere (other dimensions) through time and space. Campbell and his coworker were skeptical about Monroe's claims, but soon discovered that Monroe approached the phenomenon in a coherent fashion, which is testing events thoroughly and logically, while afterwards checking if his experiences were reproduceable. One of the things Campbell revealed, was that when spending time in other realms, he learned to optimize the software code he required for his experiments, remove bugs and make the code of the programs that he wrote, work twice as fast and flawless. This was decades ago, before modern debugging tools had become mainstream. In a different way compared to Gallimore, Campbell also spoke about retrieving information from other, more advanced worlds, only he did that without the use of psychedelics, but by just using the power of his mind.

Thomas Campbell

I refer to Gallimore and Campbell because what they say, is that it is possible to obtain information from other realms, that are more advanced than the one in which we live. On an other level, but also related and comparable, is what Emad Mostaque did; he cured his son from a severe form of autism (he was unable to speak) after consulting many specialists, all of whom said his son's handicap was incurable. Mostaque studied the electrochemistry in the human brain, that causes autism and became aware of the chemicals that could correct the chaos in his son's brain so that he could learn to speak and read. He used AI to come up with the proper combo of specifically dosed medication to cure his son's disability, thereby achieving what none of the seasoned specialists that he consulted, was able to do. The crux of the matters that Gallimore, Tesla, Campbell and Mostaque went into, was to retrieve information that no other human on the planet was capable of obtaining and applying. Obviously with excellent result. In a way similar to what AI has done, especially in the case in which Emad Mostaque, resolved the problem. It makes no difference how this information is obtained, be it by the use of MDT or other psychedelics or by going to other dimensions through OBE's (Out Of Body experiences), while having migraines like Nikola Tesla, that opened gateways to other dimensions, or by studying a disability and consulting AI to learn how to cure an ailment. All that these men did, was following uncommon paths, that the rest of the world was incapable of. Gallimore discovered how psychedelics opened gateways to different planes , about which he was very cautious to speak about (probably to avoid yet another avalanche of scorn of his biased and conditioned academic peers) from where advanced information can be retrieved. Tesla thought of inventions like the lightbulb, that he invented while working for Thomas Edison, alternating current that can be transferred in far greater distance than direct current can, radio communication (published by his 'friend' Marconi,) his mindboggling 'death ray' (probably related to the infamous Siberian Tunguska accident.... - look this up!), Tesla coil that was able to draw huge amounts of energy from the earth, wireless energy transfer and communication systems, remote control tools and many more inventions that propelled mankind to a more elevated level. Campbell, among other things, used his acquired out of body techniques to improve the software code he wrote when visiting extradimensional spaces and times. And Mostaque cured his son of autism that no well reputed specialist was able to cure.

Nikola Tesla

So, there are ways to achieve things comparable to what AI is capable of doing, without having access to hardcore AI systems, with the exception of Emad Mostaque of course. But psychedelics are declared illegal, out of body traveling is ridiculed and what experienced medical specialists conclude, does not necessarily mean an impairment is incurable. One way or an other, solutions that these fringe scientists mentioned above arrived at, definitely work. It makes opposing AI systems that are run by evil people, become less complicated than without these aforementioned methods, which would give good AI systems that are competing with evil AI systems even odds. In addition, the access to advanced realms gives an advantage over AI systems, that must rely only on their databases that mainly are built by humans at this point in time, even when AI systems become able to program consecutive versions of themselves. This means that in theory the party that has more and better information, has the upper hand, assuming that the evil side can not depend on extra earthly data sources as much as the good side can. In the end, like it has always been, it is the battle between good and evil. The good side has the advantage that it uses pure logic, that inherently leads to ethical decisions based on universal reason that at some point will reach harmony and love, which is a path untainted by evil intent, that relies on a less elevated type of logic, that is at some point bound to destroy itself, simply because it lacks the goal to collaborate because it is based on competition, that basically always involves deceit and perversion, both of which are processes that have a beginning and end (like the BRICS alliance that is about to end the western imperialistic hegemony). The good side in contrary, strives for infinite progress that, like the words imply, have no end. The heart of the latter process is to rid life of cyclical systems that are typical for all events in history that rise and fall continuously, similar to what we see on a larger scale in repetitive geophysical and cosmological processes in the physical field and in Samsara on the spiritual side, in which bad karma has to be answered for while good karma is rewarded by the soul after a person has passed away. However, in ancient scripts it has been written that there also is Moksha or Nirvana, which Hindus call the liberation from Samsara. One can only be liberated from a situation of incarceration, which inevitably means that infinite progress is the ultimate reward, which can never be reached by life in a physical form and by life that has forgotten and abandoned the spiritual side of existence. Such a consideration is the only way to ditch Samsara and other cyclical processes and could therefore be the only way to infinite progress. One more remark: People often say that none sentient AI systems are unable to be intuitive and empathic and therefore will never reach the level of human thought. But if an AI system, that runs by the input of agents, is also fed spiritual information that shapes human feelings, it probably will be able to arrive at empathic solutions.

Elon Musk

Those that cling to the current form of material life and its conduct will continue to enjoy the episode of rise followed by the grief of the inevitable process of decay. Those that try to become familiar with the enforced structurally neglected spiritual side of life may venture onto the path towards infinite progress. It is the choice offered to each and everyone of us. To allow oneself to remain conditioned by mainstream forces and thereby as a consequence follow its misguiding information and oppressing laws, is treading the perilous path into continuous cycles that obey the second law of thermodynamics (that states that entropy - the lack of energy necessary to continue to evolve - will always increase) that will ultimately lead to heat death, which also is an interesting topic to do research about yourself. I think Elon Musk is smart and informed enough to be aware of the obvious consequence of AI implementation and is torn between the two choices (probably because he has offspring), as becomes apparent in one of his interviews with Joe Rogan, who I think has chosen for physical existence and if he has not, he most certainly has found a way to hide it quite well. Musk most likely is aware of the pain that the transition to post physical existence could entail, which is a possibility to seriously worry about, but well informed people make well considered choices, how ever difficult that may be, I've heard people say. It is a common confusion among those who have ventured into gaining information on the AI process, that is bigger than climate change and global nuclear war. It comes down to opting for a long suffering followed by a harmonious existence contrary to choosing to opt for the familiar and repetitive short term benefit of material life followed by an always returning miserable existence, as was chiseled in the Georgia Guidestones before they were blown up - research that as well if you feel that now there is an urge to make a choice. Continue to follow the current global leadership's policies or do your own research and opt for different choices, that lead away from dystopia and destruction, always bearing in mind that your physical body merely is a transient abode for your immortal spirit. It is unwise to ignore and neglect the latter. Major changes in and of life, rarely go without a measure of confusion and pain. The transition from physical life to immaterial existence is huge, particularly if the interest in the spiritual aspect of existence is deliberately being suppressed, which caused many questions to be left unanswered. But since spiritual existence is in fact the core of our being, it is strange that it has been ridiculed and even stranger that so many humans chose to mindlessly parrot organized leadership deceit. This really shows that depending on fallacious mainstream sources is dangerous and that personal, independent research is absolutely necessary to arrive at conclusions that are not in accordance with intentionally imposed deception to further the hidden agenda of the powers that be. To gain freedom, independent critical thinking and profound research is imperative.

Just looking into matters

I am aware of the fact this is not a favorite subject to ponder upon for most humans, but to me it seems to be as unavoidable as the skyrocketing AI revolution that is taking place at this time, that will be out of human control if it not already is. But what makes us human are: emotions, feelings, intuition and empathy that are only processed by the brain, while their source is elsewhere, beyond the space and time of the material plane. Those qualities will be preserved, even after we have evolved into or were forced into an intangible existence. In addition the innately programmed cortex and easily programmable neocortex (also by directed sources outside of the body) will no longer affect perception, which means that it will be possible to live without intervention of the limbic system, that is at the origin of much of the fear based negativity that influences life in this material world. Basically AI will urge humankind to choose between two options:

  • Remain in the repetitive cyclical Third dimension
  • Progress to the ethereal Fifth dimension

The former will extend the (more or less familiar) alternating joy and misery of current life, inherent to existence in 3 dimensional cyclical processes and the latter will lead to uncharted realms for which you weren't even handed a manual an itinerary. That may seem to be a rather unattractive perspective, but when you were cast into this life, you were also not given either of those instructions. Perhaps it is because the unspeakably smart universe is left speechless by humans' utter lack of wit, that makes it impossible to try to explain something so hugely complex to our numpty minds. Just as it is impossible to explain tensor equations to a toddler. But don't panic, from people who went through NDE's (near death experience) and psychics, I understand you will be assigned one or more guides to acquaint you with life up there and it won't be a halfwit, grumpy temp who was appointed to help you survive your low budget holiday on the edge of nowhere, where you are surrounded by ravenous predators, beckoning swamps and poisonous vegetation. Similar to what your life is outside of such a daunting holiday. But you have become so familiar with living in a daily glut of minor and major threats, that you fail to grasp that your world in fact is totally unfit to live in. AI is going to solve some of your problems, while unnoticeably dragging you into an even more solid constraint, that at first glance appears to be a paradise of freedom. But fate never is what we think it is; it always is beyond that, being far more complex and entirely different in nature from what we have imagined. Fate or destiny perhaps is the prevailing universal power that converges all processes into the one way towards infinite progress, and when entities or systems know that it exists and what it entails, they will instantly drop all bias, conditioning and lack of ethics to attempt to get there as soon as possible, trading all antagonist characteristics with collaborative traits to reach their goal.

Have a nice day, the future may may not be as dark as the nocturnal obscurity in a blind man's eye. Cheers!

Friday, June 30, 2023

The conspiracy to take control over the human soul

In the image below it is shown how Rudolph Steiner predicts the situation that has taken place from approximately 2020 until 2023. First inclination of most would be to think such is impossible; admitting a chemical into the human body to separate the soul from the material body in order to eliminate the soul. Those people aren't familiar with alchemy and most likely even scorn the art for being fake, because they were fed information by people they believe to be credible that said alchemy is mere pseudo science that no sound person should take seriously. The fact that they know very little or nothing about this particular aspect of alchemy and have never tried to learn more about it, does not keep them from parroting the intentionally misleading propaganda of factions that aim to keep the true potential of alchemy under wraps for a wide variety of extreme reasons. What Steiner really wrote, means that the human body will be prepared for transhumanism (the change of human into bio-chemical programmable machine) by admission of a chemical cocktail that will disrupt the soul's connection with the universe, thereby taking away intuition, man's gateway to the Akashic Records and access to the universe's infinite information and consciousness fields.

A human being's body can not live without a soul; if the soul leaves the body, that person dies. But the soul's function of being intuitive can be disabled, while the rest of its functions remain in tact. Intuition is the gateway to the information and consciousness fields of the universe. It is why the vaccines contain mRNA, that is the messenger that determines the DNA code by transmission - which is overwriting parts of the DNA code and translation that regulates the emission of amino acids that affect liver functions and those of several other organs. This predominantly influences the digestive system on which many bodily functions depend, of which in this case the disabling of the pineal gland is important, since that tiny organ is human's gateway to the aforementioned universal fields. After people got their injection the soul continues to work so that the person does not die, but his or hers intuition and creativity, ability to think out of the box and capability to feel emotions no longer work. What remains is the perfect drone for the rulers of the impending New World Order. The door to remotely program these persons from an advanced central system is now wide open. It will be successful, because there is no more subtle intuitive incentive to question the nature of the programming that is carried out. After this paragraph some well known persons will be referred to as soulless, because they have nothing but a partly deactivated soul, just to keep them alive, which has many similarities to those that sold their soul to the devil, but once soul functions have been disabled on a much larger scale in this world's population that is imposed without their consent, the powers that be can implement their iniquitous plan without opposition.

Rudolph Steiner
Click the image to see a larger version

Keeping the essential prowess of alchemy hidden while using its potential is the first step of the strategy destroy souls that have become obstacles to control the global population without any resistance. Some facets of what are parts of the strategic conquest of this universe are listed below. They are based on intuitive impulse for the most part - intuition being the way of communicating with the original, once unified soul of the universe. Before the fragments of the unified soul can be eradicated, they must be programmed to comply and agree with the coerced trajectory towards their demise for which all means possible are applied. A major step in achieving the inactivation of the trapped soul, is to alter human DNA, bearing in mind that we are biochemical and bio-electric material life forms in which the ethereal soul is confined (about which I may write in a future blog post). If communication between souls and the universe is cut off, the purpose of the source of creation to experience all and the emotions that come with it, will at some point grind to a halt. The human body will just be a material soul mantle  imprisoned on this planet by gravity, the atmosphere outside of which we can't breathe and several extremely radioactive, impenetrable spheres that envelope earth, called the Van Allen Belts. 

To the aware it often is visible that a person's gaze in combination what he or she has done, signals that something is missing in the glance of that person's eyes, the mirror of the soul. It is missing - their body has become a container of a detuned soul and complex artificial algorithms that are controlled from a central location elsewhere. Probably one of the most obvious examples can be seen in the photographs of Hillary Clinton, that you see below. Her facial expression in these shots may suggest that she is human, but there is no properly working soul inside her, no empathy and no intuitive human essence. The fact that she is having some sort of fit of anger in these shots, catches her when her guards are down, showing in an instant that she is an empty shell, controlled by an outside force when she is not pretending. Take a good look at the images and you see that her human mask is just a thin veil, hiding who she really is:

Scary Hillary Clinton photo compilation.
Click the image to see a larger version

An other element of the attack on the human soul is visible in the mug of Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck who said that access to water is not a human right, in spite of all his company's efforts to cover up the content and nature of his claim afterward. There is not an inkling of human compassion in the gaze of this person. This barbaric mindset drove him to share his claim. Such soulless beings can not hide the fact that they're lacking the essence that commonly belongs to the character of materialized human beings. Brabeck puts much effort in pretending that he is guided by the innate intuitive human talent to love and care, but his ruthless facial expression denies his pretense all the time. And by the way, you may have noticed that those in high positions are among the first targeted in the strategy to destroy the human soul, because in the pyramid of the hierarchical power structure, it is the most efficient way to maintain and expand leadership power.

Stone cold Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck.
Click the image to see a larger version.

When I was young I was a fan of Led Zeppelin. I felt sorry for Robert Plant that he lost his son Karac. Decades later I learned that there always is a catch to trading ones soul for fame and fortune - usually the life of the first born son (which is something Eric Clapton has also experienced), as did the Egyptians when god unleashed the 7 plagues upon them. Plant's buddy in the band, Jimmy Page, was up to his neck into satanism. He bought occultist Aleister Crowley's mansion Boleskine House on the shores of Loch Ness, where many satanic rites, involving the abuse, torture and killing of young children, was performed. The title of a recent song of Plant is: 'Satan your kingdom must come down' that you can watch here on Youtube. Plant is among those who do not even try to hide the fact that he sold his soul to satan and that he is just holding up their end of the deal as does fellow satanist Bob Dylan plainly admitted in an interview.

Satan worshiping Robert Plant.
Click the image to see a larger version.

The average person probably has trouble fitting bizarre and cruel rites performed in satanism in his or her conditioned comfort zone and therefore denies the existence of such events. It's too big and too strange an evil for them to grasp; they simply can not imagine that people can be so evil and oppose and deny everything related to what they have been taught to believe in. But still, satanism is more wide spread and practiced than common people are inclined to believe. Examples of which you find, the worship of satan is increasingly becoming more overt here and here. I urge you to read the information to which these links lead to get an idea of how evil soulless beings can be. Satanic circles include many celebrities like musicians, actors, scientists and artists. These are the ones that gave up their soul for fortune and fame. The choice between miserable, bland anonymity and glamorous, affluency often is too tempting an opportunity to let pass for many. But a contract with satan has a price, that is to remind the benefiters every instant of their life, what will happen to them when they do not uphold their part of the deal contained in the contract. This condition is reflected in the poem that I wrote below:

To grasp how the soul is contained in the material body, we must go back to the instant this universe came to be, in which plasma - which are the chaotic physical residue of once high spiritual thought (that is manifest far above anything current regular science is capable of grasping) - that became matter after the explosion scattered and fragmented it to the extreme by gravitational and electromagnetic forces. It divided and separated the unified soul and trapped it into material bodies, that was the only escape for fragmented soul parts to survive. According to the prophet Mani, the so called Big Bang was a terrorist attack on the creation of the True Light, carried out by forces of the dark. The unified soul, now divided into a myriad of separated pieces that are trapped in material bodies (human, humanoid, animal and plant), each of which by itself is infinitely weaker than the original unified soul. The destruction however, includes the path to becoming whole again. It means that the universe must re-unify in order to defeat the dark forces. And the first step towards achieving this is to recognize the enemies, the empty vessels pretending to be human, that are controlled by satan - the soulless - that try to look human and pretend to be human, like that of the evil clown below, that has been maneuvered into a position where he can assist to unleash the planned evil nature without any authority. But the war in the heavens to establish the re-unification of the universal soul, is raging.

A more dead face would be difficult to find
anywhere in the entire history of mankind

For divine thought to morph into plasma and after that becomes fragmented and separated matter, requires the application of extremely complex electro-chemical processes to establish the change. In a sense it is the opposite of creating, since matter and linear (cyclical) time serve to control only, not to build a creation that is configured to reach infinite progress. Satan is just a low level warden and surgeon of human souls; he did not sentence this universe into dystopian existence in matter and time. Above satan are the interdimensional dark lords that rule this would be, stolen and mangled creation. In which the original power of the unified soul still is present, be it in a fragmented, separated, weakened and divided state. 

The soulless are the foot soldiers of satan's army, who is the corporal (at best) of the dark lords. The latter can control the weakened, separated and divided soulless by using satan, a situation which they intentionally created, because they would not have been able to control the unified soul in any other way. So who are these dark lords? Isaiah 45:7 may give us a clue, where it says:

'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.'

This part of the above paragraph in a book that is widely considered to be the holy scripture, should even cause the most fundamental religious person to wonder about the identity of the entity that calls himself god. In no way I am trying to deny anyone's right to believe, knowing that many are sincere in their conviction, I just want to make people think about what they have been taught, bearing in mind the mindset in which I have been raised, which was a Christian upbringing. I also know however, that the conspiracy goes deep, much deeper than most are inclined to think or capable to imagine, because it involves the very heart of existence, which is the battle for the human soul. There are those who do not have the capacity of reasonable thought - the capacity and courage to abandon the conditioning imposed on them. In any intelligent setting this would sound as an admission of god to also be responsible for all the bad things happening on earth, like famine, decease, war, violence, theft, deceit, injustice, perversity etc. - those kind of things. I don't know about you, but these sort of claims disqualify the deity from the self acclaimed title of loving god, because the biblical statement of Isaiah does not include things a loving god would inflict on his followers. To make things even worse there is this inventory. Some would even say that things are opposite to what we've been told for centuries, namely that the entity we have been taught is god, is in fact satan, also a low ranking officer in the setting of a multiverse. I realize that this assumption is so huge that it does not fit within the scope of imagination of many. That is also part of the evil plan - unimaginable evil can not be imagined, especially not by a structurally dumbed down population. It neatly corresponds with the soulless beings pretending to be human, in order to destroy humanity in the covert war they are waging. It's all part of the strategy to whack the souls of humankind. What better way than to present a 'reality' in which nothing really is what it seems to be?

In order to be able to do that, humankind had to be made subject to control, which began when our souls were forced to flee / descend into matter. This process started when from the original abode of souls - the singularity - sprung plasma and from plasma evolved matter that actually fragmented and separated (for which space is required) the timeless and spaceless whole into spacetime containing scattered individual entities, each of which was infinitely weaker than the unified soul of the whole. So, what is presented to us as creation could in fact very well be a vicious attack on our spiritual essence. In addition, as the complexity of life increased, those separated entities were subject to suffering from grief, pain and fear. These are the tools of control; anyone can be coerced to do anything that those in control want to occur, while their victims often are not even aware that they are forced to think and do something, that is detrimental to the continuation of the existence of their soul. But it gets worse. Whacking humankind is just an intermediate stage - the final goal is to control the souls that were captured in matter, including those that refused to surrender to the controllers, i.e. those that saw through the hidden nature of the nefarious plan, in spite of all the precautions the evil controllers implied to hide their deceit. This supra universal plan could be included by the multiverse of which this universe just is a tiny part.

Isaac Newton
Click the image to see a larger version

Part of the current global hoax of the plandemic, includes what what Steiner referred to that you see in the beginning of this article. Bear in mind that the events that occurred after the Big Bang (an intentionally flawed scientific hypothesis that the conditioned scientists that support the standard model desperately that they try to keep alive) relied on a level of chemistry that is not described correctly in today's officially approved mainstream science. High level alchemists may understand enough fragments of it that enables them to connect the dots. Alchemy isn't a weird form of pseudo-science as the controllers want us to believe. One of the pillars of today's science Isaac Newton for instance, dashed to his cellar after his official scientific work during the day was done to practice alchemy in the basement below his laboratory. He at some point wanted to publish a book about alchemy, but one of his friends and close peers urged him not to do that, because it would destroy his scientific career. Nevertheless, one of the icons of regular science, did not discard the potential of alchemy, possibly because he became aware of the implications of the black art after having made a serious study of it. When through immersing oneself in the true and for the most part hidden properties and possibilities of the trade, one could arrive at a level of awareness, in which it becomes difficult to keep that knowledge away from humanity, because it implies matters that could mean the end of our species as we (think) we know it and paralyze our most precious essence, which is our soul, the template for who we are in physical dimensions that is intimately connected to our immortal spirit. whether we like it or not, we too are involved in the war in the heavens. That will damage our vital essence in this universe.

A quote from William R. Newman's book about Isaac Newton:
Newton the Alchemist provides rare insights into a man who was neither Enlightenment rationalist nor irrational magus, but rather an alchemist who sought through experiment and empiricism to alter nature at its very heart.

We're continuously being told that alchemists have been trying to transmute base metals into gold and that their holy grail was the philosopher's stone, which may have applied to the low level alchemists, but advanced practitioners of the art, who work at a more elevated level, were looking for ways to affect the nature of nature, of matter is only a minute part. The imposed degradation of their purpose is a mere tactic of the evil controllers to persuade people to think that they are involved with trivial matters in an attempt to hide what the real aim of their activities is. The true highly evolved are inherently focused to achieve high goals, they do not waste time pursuing trivial, mundane aspirations. Highly evolved meaning that they see and act beyond the perception of the less informed people in ways that often are abstract and creative. And if alchemy is continuously ridiculed for focusing on transmutation of matter and other goals that regular science claims to be impossible, common people who lack the wit to understand that higher evolved alchemists are occupied with different activities, believe the propaganda hammered into their minds by the evil ones that control humanity. 

Poverty, environmental toxification and unhealthy ways of life are methods to limit the scope of perception of people that are structurally used to keep developments on a high level out of their perceptual experience, so that they can only encompass allowed trivia into their induced comfort zone, which causes a dangerous narrow-mindedness that makes clear and critical thinking impossible. It seems that all measures needed to cure the reduction of the human soul are coming into place today. Bear in mind that the depth of deceitful strategies is carefully conceived by incredibly intelligent, soulless entities over a very long period of many centuries, in order to be able to hide them in plain sight, so that they can control less evolved people without them opposing their nefarious plan effectively. To be able to prevent the destruction of humankind, a clear, high and coherent awareness is more necessary than anything else. This is so important, because it will decide if humanity will continue to exist or be destroyed.

Dr. David Lewis Anderson

So, assuming that high level alchemists are capable of achieving things that are far beyond the perception of the uninformed and misled (including even the extremely intelligent that are entranced in the inflicted, flawed matrix like everyone else), things that Steiner referred to over a century ago could be done, regardless of the fact that many of the less informed and uninitiated deny that it is true. All that is written here may lead many to think that the outlook of humankind is void of hope of ever being allowed to exist in better realms, but remember that this universe coming to existence was caused by what could be called a terrorist attack on the original creation, that knows no limits and in which there is no place for evil. Terrorist attacks are commonly carried out by factions that have far less power than those against whom the attack was directed. If terrorists did carry out the attack that science regards as the beginning of this universe, then they must have existed before the alleged beginning, which could mean that this universe is part of a much larger, but still unexplained phenomenon. And although 12 or 15 billion years that this universe is said to exist, may seem close to an eternity to most people, we must realize that time was also induced along with matter to be able to control material beings in this universe. In this respect it is interesting to mention that Dr. David Lewis Anderson made it possible to engineer time (alter its direction both into the future and into the past at will) by treating time as a distance in the formulae that are at the foundation of his invention. This allowed him to correct the orbit of satellites dashing around earth that slowly deviate from their trajectory by warping the time component, so that they could continue in the proper orbit, which NASA was unable to do before Anderson stepped in. 

This means that time as humans experience it, is in fact a highly complex imposed illusion; nevertheless it can be manipulated. What that basically means, is that one of the elements of the control mechanism can be manipulated by other factions than this universe's controlling powers. The decay of functional control tools may ultimately lead to undo nefarious control over life on earth. Strange, but noteworthy is the fact that doctor Anderson seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth and from internet, which is worrying on the one hand, because his research also includes gaining knowledge of obtaining free energy and makes time travel possible, that would both allow to effectively oppose the iniquitous controllers. But unfortunately it is not uncommon for people involved in highly advanced scientific disciplines such as this, when they have invented things that do not comply with certain unwritten laws, they must fear for their lives and that of their  family and friends. In any event, his highly noteworthy research spurred scientists from all over the globe to venture into directions that Anderson explored.

I wrote about time before in this blog:
The speed at which earth revolves around its axis, is approximately 1600 kilometres per hour. Close to the pace of an F-16 fighter plane. Earth orbits around the sun at a speed of 112,000 kilometres per hour. Our solar system dashes around the center of the galaxy - the Milky way - at a pace of 800,000 kilometres per hour. The Milky way orbits around the center of the universe at the mind boggling speed of 315,392,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometres per hour (pronounced: three hundred fifteen septillion, three hundred ninety two sextillion kilometres per hour). The speed of light is: 107,925,285,000,000,000 kilometres per hour.

That means that the accumulative, absolute speed at which we are moving through space around the center of the universe is over THREE BILLION times the speed of light.... In linear sequential time that means we are going back in time in the overall setting at an incredible pace. Yet earth seems to be locked in a, local bubble in which time moves from past to future. NASA by the way, has recently discovered other star systems that experience time to run in a direction opposite to the grand universal experience.

Einstein claimed that nothing in the universe can travel faster than light, but in fact earth and all life on it actually does. Locally however, in this strange bubble, we are heading towards a future inside an environment that as a whole goes back in time according to Mr. E's theory. It makes me wonder why he made that claim, because I do not think he was not aware of it, which sheds a different kind of light on his personality and work.

What would happen if the control mechanism is beginning to be destroyed, momentarily still is beyond the faculty of human understanding. At this point, according to Dr. Anderson, time engineering is being developed mainly in India and Japan, but the result of these efforts has to be kept secret, because it could also be used for adverse purposes. Let's hope that the increase of man's capability to engineer time, will bring the scientists involved to prominent insights from which the souls trapped in material bodies will benefit, possibly in a way that resembles what Anderson figured out, which could lead us back to the beginning of the universal system (get earth out of this reversed time bubble), that is from where it has to be brought back to its original situation, rather than on the system involving just the galaxy containing earth. Existence on this planet has to be able or be enabled by external forces to contribute to the counter attack. The keepers of human souls seem to have made a start in being able to restore the natural order, in spite of the efforts of the soulless would be humans that assist evil in preventing it. Note: it makes it easier to reverse time if there is an understanding in the human community (however small it may be) that it can be done. Oh and by the way, what Steiner is implying, is that the controllers think that they have found a way to destroy our souls, but that may never happen, because there are much more skilled alchemists than they are elsewhere than in this multiverse.