Friday, July 17, 2020

The brain prevents you from perceiving properly

In a number of previous blog entries I've hinted at the fact to enable consciousness to communicate with the subconscious (using the principles applied in remote viewing) in order to provide a way to gain deeper insights into matters that are not perceivable in the 'normal' state of consciousness. This is dominated by the brain, while the subconscious is the domain of the mind. The brain being an information processing tool typical for each individual being, while the subconscious is an omnipresent, time independent field of information and perception that is accessible to the mind or has been until most people were conditioned to rely on the (mis)perception of their programmable brain solely.

An example of this is seen in the dying moments of people suffering from Alzheimer disease or lethal cancers in the brain, who regain clarity shortly before they pass away. They suddenly become capable of coherent thought and recognize the people in their life that have come to believe that the patient has become permanently confused and no longer knows who they are anymore. Since in this stage the brain largely has become dysfunctional, it must be a faculty of the mind that has taken over perception and communication. The transient lucidity in the final stage of earthly existence also suggests that the brain more or less got in the way of the mind's unbounded perceptional prowess basically for the duration of a person's entire life.

Mind or spirit vs brain

That is a thought that may cause us to feel rather uncomfortable, because it means that what we perceive throughout life may be something else than we have been prone to think. In the case of the illnesses mentioned in the previous paragraph, the patient's sudden limpidity may cause us to wonder what the effect of disease actually is. The clear distinction between the material brain and the intangible mind may give us a clue about the distinction between the physical and spiritual realms and the amalgamation of the two, which obviously leads to being capable of a more profound perception.

For example: When the CIA in the early 70's of the previous century discovered that the Russians had been using 'remote viewing' for decades to spy on them, the agency started to set up a remote viewing department of its own, named the Stargate Project. At the end of the previous century one of the agency's remote viewers (who was no longer employed by it) was asked in an interview what the most remote location was that he had ever remote viewed. The interviewer expected him to name a place on earth, but he replied: 'a location 500 million lightyears away from earth'. What could possibly be of interest to humans in a place so incredibly far away? The remote viewer replied he was not at liberty to discuss the matter.

So, for years this question remained unanswered. Until recently I read an article that science in 2019 had detected radio pulses that were emitted exactly every 16 days - consisting of 4 days of emission and 12 days when no emission is detectable in a continuously repeating sequence. So the CIA ordering the remote viewer to check out the source of the radio pulses, knew about this phenomenon 50 years before regular science did. The business of the CIA is to lie about everything, because it is modeled after SS general Reinhard Geelen's Nazi Germany's WW-II intelligence agency when their scientists were smuggled into the US in Operation Paperclip. What this story shows, is that there is no limit to where and when the human mind is capable of traveling. Because of what Stargate's remote viewers showed of course, it makes sense to think that beyond viewing remote situations, it may also be possible to affect them. It includes events in the past, present and future in linear / cyclical time anywhere in the universe and possibly beyond it. This is speculation from the far end of the twig of course, but that is what critical thinking ordinary Joe's get when governments, organizations, agencies and secret societies keep so many secrets, of which only very few are kept because of national security, because the vast majority of them are kept hidden to screw everyone else. It is summarized by cross dressing FBI director Jay Edgar Hoover who once said:

'The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.'

Questions are the vehicles in our existence that lead us from one point in spacetime to an other, where events are perceived that spawn questions; in the material world that is. Outside of space time the question may be: do questions exist at all? Esoteric lore says that every thought, expression and act is recorded in universal memory - the Akashic Records a.k.a. the universal subconscious database. Even if this question about questions remains unanswered we will never be in the same place at the same time again, while inside this vile fragmented and separated dimension of matter, limitation, conditioning, paradox and utter imposed misery. But given the fact that in the instant before death the circumstances that made us suffer and die, seem to disappear in a flash, probably as a prelude to traveling to dimensions of an entirely different nature that we know nothing about. Even minds that commonly function at a level above and beyond that of ordinary people, admit that we only know a minute fraction of all there is to know, which appears mind-blowingly outlandish to us.

But among the deluge of questions that the answers in the panel discussion mentioned in the link in the previous paragraph create, the contours of an unknown and powerful perceptional skill shimmers through that may have the ability to relieve us from the limiting and paradoxid perception that life in space and time confronts us with. But as said before once the questions of this nature lead us to unknown territories of the mind there is no possibility to return to the state of life in which our perception and knowledge were crippled by the conditioning of the brain. The answers that we run into in this rarely visited realm (during our current lifetime) may be incomplete after perhaps having only chance encounters with it, we have at least begun to move away from the state of conditioning and ignorance that cluttered the former part of our life. 

As a result some of us may gradually advance to a place and time where there is less space and time and more information and consciousness. That may be the start of opening ways to a different kind of existence that is not contaminated by the attributes that cause us to suffer and die and do all sorts of things that in a more elevated level of consciousness make no sense at all (like throwing bio warfare chemicals and nuclear bombs at each other). Most importantly, humans must open their mind to opening the power of their mind. This is NOT done by acquiring heaps of external knowledge, but by gaining access to the unexplored knowledge that already is inside you. 

If I were to put matters crudely, I would say that being cast into a physical body inside space and time has the following consequences:
  1. Ignorance is an imposed condition as becomes clear in the aforementioned instance of lucidity shortly before death
  2. Our senses can only detect a minute fraction of all that exists in this universe. This is part of the strategy to limit human perception. This hints at the fact that man must find other ways to know beyond what he knows now
  3. Repeated instances of dying in a domain ruled by reincarnation cuts off the path to gaining infinite knowledge (especially when memory is erased at each birth)
  4. The material plane separates us from others, making us unaware of what others feel and think - it leads to misunderstanding and also offers the possibility to keep secrets for egotistical purposes
  5. In dimensional space  and time every action requires time; it slows down every action always and everywhere, limits presence to one place in time in which interaction is allowed as opposed to more advanced planes in which there are no space and time and interaction is a permanent function
  6. Life is cast in perpetual cyclical processes that prevent infinite progress, since they force life to return to previous stages over and again, such as day and night, the seasons and reincarnation. It is the way to coerce infinite souls into repetitive stints of mortality. Think about this: would you believe that this is complying with universal law, that is believed to be just and based on pure love?
  7. If what is asked in the previous point is not true, than it could mean that this entire universe is based on evil principles and that the war in the heavens that is referred to in ancient scripts has even more implications than what we commonly think to be the case. It could pertain to the fact that the cosmic war refers to a clash in the multiverse, in which there are evil and good universes fighting each other. It would concur with a claim of the prophet Mani who said that what is believed in a decreasing number of science departments to be the Big Bang, is in fact an attack of dark forces on the empire of Light, meaning this entire universe is the result of a terrorist attack that took all forms of life in the cosmos hostage

Out of body experience

Out of body experience 

So that may be why the physical body is severely limited in an almost air tight system of perpetual reincarceration. But the mind is not. Out of body experiences (OBE's) or Near Death Experiences (NDE's) are not normal in the material world (although some claim that 10% of the human race has experienced it, but are afraid to talk about it, because the fear to be labeled bonkers. While being alive the spirit is always attached to the body with the 'silver cord'. But outside of the physical world there are no physical bodies whatsoever, hence none of the restraints listed above exist in the other dimension visited by those who briefly were physically dead. The fragmentation in this 3-dimensional world is caused by the Big Bang or whatever event may have caused matter to come into existence and separate the instances of it into galaxies, stars, planets and various forms of life. This is the fundamental cause of limitation, suffering, dying and the cyclical misery life is cast in. Furthermore it is a universal phenomenon (of this particular universe anyway). Spirits that went through thousands of lives and suffered in many of them after their memory of previous lives has been erased, are unlikely to be present in each of them to learn what many esoteric people claim to be the case - they just suffer for no purpose at all, because this entire universe is evil.

The fact that Samsara prevents us from reaching a state in which infinite progress is possible and that we are cast back in cyclical misery, means that our souls are caught after death and forced to experience existence in the material plane over and again. Samsara is the method to trap immortal souls in a mortal vehicle and make them vulnerable to suffering fear, pain and grief. Note that I used the word 'trap' which in the form of a noun refers to Samsara as a coerced situation of captivity and in the verbal form refers to the fact that souls are captured after death or departure from the material vehicle, which implies the involvement of soul hunters / tempters and / or the existence of traps, both of which confirm the ancient Hindu belief that Moksha is the liberation from Samsara's endless cycle of birth and death. What is striking in the words that picture this believe, is that they say Moksha is an liberation from Samsara, knowing that one can only be liberated from an incarceration, which in my opinion defines the horrendous nature of Samsara. While at it I would like to ask you this: if you had the power that allowed you to create a universe, would you make beings that live and suffer for 70 to 80 years, make them die after that and let them reincarnate to live and suffer again and again and feel good about that? Do you think that represents the work of an all knowing, omnipresent and loving god? Or would you say: 'Nah, I can do better than that.'

So, Moksha if liberates from incarceration or a state of restraining misery, would it not explain the real properties of life to you in a way that is more clear than anything else?. The fact that you may think of life in a different way, is the result of the programming of your brain (not your mind - which goes many levels deep) that has been going on since before you came to exist in the belly of your mother where you undergo the chemical programming through the medication she took, the processed food she ate, her smoking and drinking habits, the emotions that she went through and the discomforts that may have troubled her, because you share the same blood circulation. This programming is only intensified after you entered this dimension. Almost everything you experience in this material realm is aimed at conditioning the brain and silencing the mind's subconscious, resulting in the fact that you only hear your conscious shouting at you - think this, think that, say this or say that and do this and do that, which blows away the sincere and wise whisper of your intuitive subconscious. It is the implicit coercion of the exact opposite state of who we once were a very long time ago. 

This begs the question who or what is behind the incarceration? Let's take a look at the possibilities, since it is rather difficult to determine the cause of mankind's fate from within the imposed state of being jailed that is meant to limit everything, including perception. The candidates for inflicting the misery for life are:
  • Entities seeking revenge for something the ancient ancestors of man may have done to them
  • Mortal enemies of mankind, that that exist in the multiverse, dislike our species for different reasons or no reason at all
  • The self proclaimed would be 'god' that boasts having 'created' life while all it really does, is trying to destroy it (bearing in mind that mythical and legendary deities are deceiving, plundering and murdering perverts), or
  • The adversary of mankind that actually trapped it in this universe that may have gone on a 15 billion year holiday without even bothering to send a card and just enjoys man's perpetual infighting and abuse that (s)he inflicts on this hijacked creation all together, assuming that human life will eventually be wiped out by itself after having been told lie after lie after lie about its true history and purpose

Either way, it has left humanity in deep shit. This forces the sane to purge the cruel and the insane including their imbecile masters of this dimension in order to prevent their projected miserable fate to emerge. I'm fed up with the braindead saying that opposition should be done without violence. All the Ghandi-like role-model farts that were put in place by the occult freemason 'elite' have quite obviously not been able to prevent this world from falling victim to an increasing measure of violence and insanity as time passed. That is because they were mere tools to pacify the ignorant masses that the bonkers lot at the top intends to whack on order of the evil entity ruling them, so that the whacking can be carried out with neglectable resistance. The saying 'As above so below' indicates that the war raging in the heavens, means that we - here below - are in a war as well and winning such an event can only be done by fighting in one way or an other. So forget all pacifists that are portrayed as champions of humankind - they merely serve to prevent you from fighting back. Let this sink into your mind and act accordingly. On the other hand: DO NOT fight in the manner they expect you to fight. They conditioned you to fight in a particular way that will inherently make you lose. Do not fall into that trap, because they will be prepared to neutralize whatever you do. THINK about how to fight them in a way that will put an end to their heinous rule. 

If you have trouble removing the imposed image of non-violence from your clouded brain, ask yourself why the government continues to develop advanced weapons for crowd control and mind control, while giving the police or future AI robots more sophisticated arms than ever and reducing your privacy to zero, while all your data is stored in one central machine. Do you think it makes sense to think that they create and supply weapons to law enforcement agencies and army to not use them and refrain from becoming violent? There really are a few screws loose in your thinking department if you believe that crap to be true. There is no logic whatsoever in that train of thought. - there are countless instants of army war crimes and police brutality, that should force willingly ignorant people to face the truth. What is logical to think, is that the government prepares itself to be able to bonk you whenever it decides that you must be bonked. The reason for trashing you being the aim to get rid of you, 500 million excluded that will be allowed to live (as slaves) from the 7 billion on the planet now, according to the writings on the recently blown up Georgia Guidestones.

An other thing that is void of logic is the fact that thinking you can match the level of violence that government agencies are capable of. In other words combating them with their means of choice would be stupid beyond the capacity of words to express. The key is that there are different types of violence, violence that is the means of destruction of something, in this case the stealthy genocide by the governments (by means of intentionally induced pandemics, false flag terrorist attacks, impending AI dominance, fake alien invasions and weather modification - tyfoons and floods) and by the forces ordering the governments what to do, how to do it and when to do it. This would be an excellent moment to end this blog entry that is to be followed up by one in which will be suggested on how to oppose forces that urgently need a fierce opposition against which they find it difficult to protect themselves. We humans in our original state were blessed with such powers that currently are severely oppressed. The fear that the illegal pervert rulers of the universe so intensively project onto us, is their own. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to to counter AI and transhumanism

What I hinted at in the previous blog entries is that it is necessary to find a way to counteract the development of AI and its intention, its goal that isn't particularly beneficial to the existence of humankind and other life forms. The definition of transhumanism coined by Max More in 1990 offers to the perceptive an idea where AI is aiming to go or rather where those that are developing it aim to take it:

Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.

It is clear what these words imply; after integrating AI with human experience and ability the opposite is the next stage, which means the level of human involvement will be phased out gradually (that is projected to occur at an increased pace). It also includes phasing out the human soul completely, which comes down to dehumanising humans. What these words involuntary also reflect however, is the serious underestimation of human prowess. That misinterpretation also reveals what would be a nice starting point of an enterprise to find ways to counter the development of AI to prevent the establishment of matured transhumanism, while at the same time ending the levied obstruction to regaining original human powers, which is to return to the unified universal soul. A double edged sword drawn from its sheath.

The integration of man and machine that is
programmed to morph into machine control

At this point in time human endowment is limited by all sorts of measures. Our food, drink (water) and environment are intentionally poisoned, as are the medications that are commonly prescribed. In addition man-made electromagnetic radiation (5G) targets mankind's abilities and health, aiming to destroy them. I am not going to waste time and effort to explain these matters here; if you really want to know about the ways in which these things are affecting humankind , you should do research of your own to find out. If you prefer to stick with the (fake) information presented by (government and corporate controlled) mainstream channels, feel free to remain willfully ignorant and as a result become subjugated by what is currently being developed that you prefer to exclude from your scope, like the rest of the gullible and mortally intimidated useless eaters (a label stuck on them by the occult 'elite', which should be food for thought - pun intended).

Those that are aware of what the road to transhumanism implies, I would urge to continue to read. Somewhere around the early 70's of the previous century the CIA discovered that the Russians had used remote viewing for years to spy on classified projects without the need of spies to be physically present in places where the objects and / or information about those projects were located. The core of what the Russians did, was to move with their subconscious to those places while their physical bodies remained in Russia. They devised a way to allow their consciousness to communicate with their subconscious. The human subconscious is not bound to space and time, which means that it can remotely view other times and places, including those of the past and future as measured with the units of linear time in 3 dimensional space. By the way, type in 'remote viewing' in Google and you find plenty of information on how to remote view.

One prominent CIA remote viewer (if I recall correctly it was Joe McMoneagle), when asked what the furthest location was that he reviewed, replied that it was a place 500 million lightyears from earth.... This is probably why the CIA wants to know what is going on so immensely far from earth. I do not recall exactly, but I think I saw the video with interviewed remote viewer just after the turn of the century, in which he spoke about what they were doing in the 70's of the previous century, so that is how long the CIA knew about the radio pulses that were detected every 16 days from that a far away place - about 50 years before regular science discovered it..... (shouldn't that ring a bell with you?)

Russel Targ

The next step of course is not to just view what is / was / will be present or going on in a particular space and time, but also to affect what is encountered in a place that is remotely accessed. Now this literally opens new worlds and if not used carefully cans of worms that may very well become beyond control. Advanced beings that are in the place that is being remote viewed, are able to sense the intrusion of the remote viewer.... Besides that if the remote viewer or actor would for instance kill one of his ancestors or cause a relation between his forebears to break up, he could possibly never come into existence, at least not in the dimension from which he committed the murder.

The initial CIA remote viewing project - Project Stargate - was terminated after 23 years according to Russel Targ, a scientist who was involved in setting up that project, by conservative factions within the CIA that did not like Congressional oversight of their project. It makes good sense to speculate that the agency devised ways to develop more advanced ways to view and control remote events dodging the supervision of authorities, especially since the funds to create such an even more classified project were already there (part of the 'missing' 21 trillion USD). This would be a great way to obtain information about advanced alien technology. 

The CIA would never fund projects that do not work and aren't capable of producing information that the agency considers to be crucial to its operation. So it is safe to assume that remote viewing actually works. That mankind is able to make its consciousness communicate with its subconsciousness that is not bound to space and time. It is not difficult to understand that such abilities would allow man to match and even supersede the capabilities of AI. Remote viewing videos by Russel Targ and others on Youtube clearly suggest that mastering the art of remote viewing is not excessively difficult, because it is a natural innate gift of nature to every human being. This makes it a very interesting skill for those that are worried about the consequences of the impending transhumanism powered by AI to save and improve your worthless, miserable and depressing little life. Remote viewers do not need any system or device, just their mind to view and / or influence events in remote places and times. So, to drop a highly speculative hint: a remote viewer or preferably actor could theoretically flip a bunch of bits in the AI system to make it stop working properly without the need for a single palpable tool. He or she would probably only need to know the coordinates in space of the system and as we saw earlier in this article there is no limit to the reach of the human mind. In other words: the AI can not be made inaccessible to trained remote viewers and actors. Not even if its operators would try to hide it in other dimensions, on different timelines or in other universes. All that humans would have to learn is to use their mind in stealth mode. Knowing this kind of does away with the intentionally imposed feeling of hopelessness - humans are not helpless, but they must know into which direction to evolve. 

In future blog entries I will elaborate on this subconscious matter in a more detailed way. In the meanwhile you could of course do some research and critical thinking of your own. Anyway, stay tuned to learn how to arm yourself against the treacherous attack that is being carried out against you and those you love. Oh, by the way, those you intensely dislike (or perhaps even hate), are also on the same kill list as you are. This list includes the majority of man, while with the assistance of AI human life will be terminated all together after that. This could perhaps suggest that those that so vehemently push the development of AI can not view or change situations in distant places and times without machines and / or systems, while simple individual humans potentially can.... I am considering to speculate on this matter in future blog entries. So you may want to check in to see if I did from time to time.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

'Creation' is an evil, advanced 3D world in Linear time

Man-made virtual creations and 'reality' have become indistinguishable

In a previous blog entry I alluded to the similarity between 'creation' as recounted in the bible and virtual worlds created in 3D programs. Here you find a number of hyper realistic portraits with such software. And here are examples of hyper realistic 3D videos. Both the still and moving images are extremely difficult to distinguish from what is commonly perceived to be 'reality'. The motion scenes consist of 3D created objects that are caused to move in linear time. The movie industry currently has reached a level of reality that is beyond the imagination of most people. For instance, a person's face can be recognized, copied and manipulated so that this person can be made to say things or perform acts that (s)he never actually did in reality. This can be done so realistically that observers are not able to determine if it is a virtual creation or reality. Manipulated images are called 'deep fakes'. The old saying that the camera never lies, goes out the window because of this. Humans can no longer determine what is real and what is a deep fake. Advanced AI is required to even have a chance of making a distinction between reality and fake. All 3D objects created in advanced software, by the way, can be built with 3D printing devices. We are merely one step away from creating palpable hyper realistic 3D worlds in linear time. In 2019 Disney filed a scent technology patent that is capable to manipulate yet an other human sensor that registers the sensation of smell (which is closely related to the human sensory capacity of taste) that it intends to incorporate in their amusement parks, besides unmentioned other applications of course. That would make all 5 human sensors susceptible for manipulation. In Addition 3D printing has evolved to the level that certain human skeletal parts and organs can be built with this technique, which is an important step towards making virtual worlds real. What this means, is that if current man-made AI assisted 3D software is able to create worlds that are extremely realistic simulations of what man perceives to be reality, entities more advanced than humans can do things beyond the grasp of mankind. Why am I writing all this?

Microsoft Hololens turns sci-fi into reality

Advanced Ancient entities were responsible for 'Creation'

Imagine that the software to create a virtual world is far more advanced than what we currently believe to be the pinnacle of virtual object creation. Perhaps such software already exists without the general public knowing about it. In black projects for instance, that possibly are financed with the 31 trillion dollars (or possibly even more) that are 'missing' from the US budget. That is a barely perceivable huge amount of money with which things can be done that are extremely far beyond the vision of almost all people. Things like anti-gravity techniques, zero point or free energy, manipulation of time, interstellar and inter dimensional communication and travel. Assuming, with little risk, that the human species is not the most intelligent race in the universe, it is possible to imagine that the 'gods' of old were extra-terrestrial or extra-dimenional entities that featured in the Babylonian creation myth - the Enuma Elish, the bible, the Vedic creation hymns - the Puranas and Rig Veda, the Aztec creation myth, the Chinese cosmogonic myth (which Chinese scholars prefer over the term 'creation myth') Tao Te Ching, the African creation myth, the Australian Aborigine creation myth etc. The highly evolved beings referred to in such myths would possess knowledge and powers that dwarf human intelligence and capabilities and may have allowed them to create worlds as the one humanity currently exists in. This is of course speculation on my part, but the number of similarities in the myths from different parts of the world are striking to say the least, suggesting that creative powers were abundantly present among the 'gods'. Particularly in the mention of entities that have technical AND spiritual prowess completely overshadowing that of mankind. What I am saying here is that this dimension could be the creation of non-worldly hyper intelligent entities, a conclusion reached by following the type of reasoning as what man-made 3D software is capable of, albeit on a much more sophisticated level.

Systems according to science

Properties of 'Creation'

As described in previous blog entries the cyclical processes in this dimension of space and time both open, closed, adiabatic and isolated systems can be created at will in man-made 3D software. The cyclical nature of the processes in this dimension are caused by the allegedly isolated nature of universal systems as scientists formulated in the laws of thermodynamics, in other words these laws are valid only in isolated systems that can contain (sub)systems of a different nature. In such a setting only cyclical processes can occur that are all destined to end up in the universal heat-death situation. There is no way infinite progress can take place in such an environment. Unless of course science is wrong. Besides science' quite possibly deluded view on crucial matters concerning the properties of this universe, there are the mythical and legendary tales of deities committing all sorts of heinous crimes like:

  1. deceit
  2. betrayal
  3. torture
  4. murder
  5. abuse
  6. incest
  7. rape
  8. plundering
  9. imposing endless cyclical processes to life

Samsara = vicious prison
Moksha = Infinite Progress

The last mentioned crime in the 'gods' list of felonies is perhaps the most grave of crimes enforced on life, because it involves an endless repetition of fear and pain from which there is no escape for life that is deliberately physically and mentally kept unaware of ways to possibly escape into venues that are not cyclical and continuously repetitive. As described above, 3D worlds can be created with the proper means and made to consist closed, Isolated, adiabatic and open systems as the creator of that world desires. The cyclical nature of (parts of) our current world are things that are intentionally constructed and implemented by the so-called 'gods' that had no intention whatsoever to let mankind benefit from the fruit of their advanced, yet utterly perverse minds. Examples of properties put in place to trap earth bound life are gravity, the three impenetrable, highly radiative Van Allen Belts that encapsulate this planet, life's physical dependency on atmospheric circumstances, like gasses, liquids and food. Addictive habits like sex and dependency to addictive substances that are (made) available on earth. But also activities like gaming, gambling and drug addiction can be extremely habit-forming to some people and therefore are close to impossible to leave behind. Besides these methods of binding, there are also mindsets / heart-sets like love and loyalty towards other people or animals that can persuade the conditioned human minds to remain on earth while they theoretically have the opportunity to travel /exist elsewhere.

Remote mindcontrol

Structure of dimensions and time in 'Creation'

Dimensions are required to create objects, such as the 3D objects we are and the 3D objects inside (blood particles, plasma, bacteria, viri etc.) and around us. The causal nature of sequential events require linear time as is simulated in current 3D programs by the timeline in which created objects and surroundings can be edited. The imposing of chronology is a means to control the nature of events in which 3D objects are involved, including their thoughts and emotions. Now the last thing is what really matters, while the highly appreciated intelligence (conditioned, allegedly structured thought) is, as David Icke puts it: the village idiot, that is therefore revered solely by (entities dumbed down to being) idiots that haven't a clue whatsoever of what defines 'reality' or what is mistaken to be that, because they have been taught / ordered to dismiss all spiritual abilities of the mind, which slams shut the path to the truth. The invented crap that supports their induced hallucinations is just that; delusions intentionally created to send man's train of thought into the wrong direction in order to be able to maintain the bogus cyclical bunk that keeps all life imprisoned. In this banned (of course) TED-talk scientist Rupert Sheldrake eloquently explains why science is a mere conditioning mechanism, just like religion was previously. If you wonder how the human brain is kept under control, visit this link in which a man controls two prosthetic arms by just using his brain. Information can travel in the opposite direction as well of course and be used to perform certain tasks. Remote mind-control is a relatively 'old' complex of technologies that (quasi) accidentally was leaked by the US government in 1992. Today these techniques have advanced far beyond the capacity of common people, including scholars, to imagine. It will be done by the impending 5G network that will rely on thousands of satellites put in orbit around earth to wage psychotronic warfare on the people of this planet. Those in control of society benefit from the listed insane criminal activities committed by the fake 'gods' that help keeping the cyclical process driven incarceration of mankind in tact. For as long as their collaboration pleases the fake 'gods' anyway. It is always difficult to predict what perverse psychopathic advanced entities will do. One moment they pretend to like you, the next they will brutally butcher you without blinking an eye. Working with them is just as dangerous as being among their victims. It makes sense to wonder how on earth this humongous system could be in place.

Cronus / Saturn devouring one of his children
(he ate them all but one) after he castrated
his father Uranus - painting by Rubens

The powers of the 'Creators'

In 1964 a Russian astronomer called Nikolai Kardashev crafted a list of categories that showed the various levels in which civilizations are able to make use of the energy surrounding them - energy being the fuel that propels life. These categories are:

  • A Type I civilization, also called a planetary civilization—can use and store all of the energy available on its planet
  • A Type II civilization, also called a stellar civilization—can use and control energy at the scale of its stellar system
  • A Type III civilization, also called a galactic civilization—can control energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy

Earth population is categorized as A Type 0 civilization, that isn't even capable of properly using the energy available on planet earth. In cosmic circles it is a well established fact that the level of energy use is directly related to the intelligence of a civilization, which basically means that mankind is still a retarded species on a universal scale. Hyper intelligent entities however aren't inherently empathetic, the lack of which is some sort of stupidity of a different kind that can exist at the side of unmatched levelheadedness. Proof of this are the fake 'gods' from ancient myths and legends that are perverse bastards beyond the power of words to express. Kardashev also stated that another property of a Type 0 civilization is that it perpetually wages war. This means that the fake 'gods' are barely above the intelligence and power level of humans, even though they seem stunningly intelligent in human eyes. The fact that they put in place countless harsh measures to keep humans from discovering the truth, is a strong hint that they fear that we may discover the truth anyway, fear being a predominant mindset typically related to that of entities belonging to a Type 0 civilization. AI for instance is currently mainly used to control everything humans think and do. Had the fake 'gods' been from a more developed type of civilization they would have no need to obsessively control human activity.

I wrote a poem about Samsara and Moksha in which I basically expressed the essence of the two different states. Do not take my words for granted though; I may be wrong. Do your own research. Always apply this mindset with each piece of information that you run into. Never accept any information that is (c)overtly imposed on you - this is always done for a reason of which you are not informed.

Samsara vs Moksha. Click on the image to see a larger version of it.

There still are related matters in my mind that I have not yet expressed, which has to do with the gnostics who wrote very interesting things in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that have been kept away from the general public for decades for specific reasons. Stay tuned to see what I plan to add to this particular blog entry. It will contain a possible solution to make the fake 'gods' fear come true. In spite of everything that the bastards did to prevent it from taking place. They tried to kill me seven times, but failed. Writing this is what I must do. Reading it perhaps is what you must do.