Thursday, December 27, 2018

Human information storing and processing

A brief recapitalisation of how the human body stores and processes information, which might cause you to fall in awe of what takes place inside the depth of your tissue (depending on the nature of the information of course).

In one gram of DNA 215 petabytes of information can be stored (this at least is what Dr. Landau of the NY Genome Centre managed to cram into that tiny amount of tissue). One petabyte is one million gigabyte, to give you some sort of reference, which approximately equals 250,000 DVD's.

If 1.5 hour of movie would be stored on each DVD, it would require 15,625 days or 42 years of uninterrupted watching to observe all the stored data. If only 8 hours per day would be spent watching it would require 128+ years to watch all movies.

A person weighing 70 kilos would theoretically be able to store over 15,050,000,000,000 (15 quadrillion) GB which is over 3.3 trillion DVD's, in all this person's body tissue, assuming that storing 215 petabyes is a correct estimate. Probably it will be possible to store a significantly greater amount of data in DNA tissue in the future.

It's rather embarrasing what little we do with such a huge measure of storage capacity, while not even discerning the nature of our thoughts and acts. Apart from this storage capabilty, we also process the data (well..., sort of), which probably is where it all goes wrong, where all the bugs in our bio-computer mess up things, causing us to be utter under achieving dorks in view of our potential.

Of course a fair amount of the data and processing power is needed to sustain bodily functions, but even taking that into consideration, we aren't really doing a brilliant job. So how does this storing and processing work?
  1. Data is stored in DNA
  2. Input is done by RNA
  3. Processing is carried out by ribosomes
  4. Output is synthesized proteins
95% of human DNA does not generate proteins (the data carrier that tells cells what function to perform), which has lead some members of the scientific community to lable that 'junk DNA'. The junk property of their own tissue most likely caused them to qualify that particular type of DNA as such. However, it does not mean it is a correct assessment, even if science is not yet able to prove it works in an entirely different way. Characterizing it in such a derogatory way sort of affirms the ignorance that symbolises the mentality of some in that community.

The fact that mankind is capable of both hideous and brilliant acts that only few are able to associate with the potential of human conduct, may indicate that our DNA has the abilty to communicate with external sources that are advanced beyond human ambit. If this actually is the case it would place information processing in which humans are merely involved rather than being the root, in a more panoptic and intricate perspective.

Relatively new finds in the scientific realm, such as bilocation or multilocation and entanglement may at one point urge the supporters of current hypothesis to amend their views. Quite drastically that is, because they have the ability to impel previously prized theories into the trashbin where many forerunners found involuntary permanent residence.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The deeper meaning of language

In the Dark Journalist X-series number 39 I saw that Dark Journalist's side kick Olivia mentioned the word spell in response of a question about a possible lost language in the Atlantean times, that could both  refer to properly positioning letters to form a word or uttering a bid to wish someone well or evil. This particular word is of course related to the English language that was most likely construed by occultist and high ranking freemason Sir Francis Bacon (and his cohorts) to whom I dedicated an other blog entry that you find here. And please do not confuse dedication to put together a coherent article with admiration for the persons mentioned in it.

Language obviously is fundamental for human communication alongside body language, art creation and wordless telepathy. It is often used in an improper way by speakers and writers that don't even know that words of have ambiguous meanings, because there's an almost common lack of knowledge of its origins and the correct application of words. As we drift away further from their original meaning and implication, communication becomes meaningless and fuzzy. Bear in mind the increasing gap between accurate scientific and juridical language that common people barely understand. But there also is a difference between the esoteric meaning of words and popular language. And since words have the tendency to trigger very specific brain activity of speakers of a certain language, the subconscious is always programmed by them, even when people aren't aware of it. This means spells uttered in one language may not work in an other.

Among the languages of the world, English has a special place, since it was consciously built by people that had an IQ that was way above average, while the bloke in charge - Francis Bacon of course - was well versed in the secret knowledge and arts (like many of his peers that assisted him), preserved and passed on within carefully controlled circles such as the mystery schools and their heirs, the occult brotherhoods and societies. In such factions knowledge isn't anything like the conjured perception that is induced into the common world of limitation and paradox. Many things that may seem far fetched, impossible or downright ridiculous in the eyes of those living in the latter world, may have a distinct origin, meaning and purpose in the realm of elevated consciousness in which Bacon and many of his peers dwelled. One of the easiest way to grasp some of these things is to dive into the deeper and / or original meaning of words.

Some things never change (well....), among which are the original meaning of words, because time is finicky concerning matters that are subject to change or not. It has to do with chronos (physical time) and tempus (subjective time) - nice things to Google if you have time to kill. Your opinions depend on what you (think you) know after matters entered your perception, which is different from perceiving things as a result of your impulses, if that makes any sense to you.

The original meaning of words continues to affect the brain (subconscious) of people belonging to a language group. Even when used in an improper way as a result of not knowing what they one time meant. A few examples in the English language are listed below:

  1. To spell is commonly understood as placing letters (symbols) in the correct order while forming words. It is also related to casting a spell 
  2. Sentence is an array of words, but also final judgement in criminal law, followed by some type of punishment, usually incarceration - suggesting that words can literally captivate the addressed and incarcerate the users of language 
  3. Grammar is the correct application of language (of spelling in sentences). The word is related to grimoire, the magician's handbook containing spells and magic potion recipes 
  4. Cursive writing contains the word curse - we cuss and dis-cuss people, thoughts and things, thereby putting spells on them or their thought
  5. A book is an object containing pages on which chapters are written or printed, but as a verb it is understood as to arrest a person with the intention to incarcerate or captivate him or her (which is what captivating books often do with a reader's mind) - 'throw the book on someone' forces them to obey the law on them, regardless how just or unjust they may be
  6. The word words is intimately related to sword - just move the 's' to the other side of the other letters. It implies the power of words - swords can be used to kill, but also to knight people into an elevated tribe inside an unjust hierarchy of society
  7. A page contains written or printed language, but also means servant to a king or queen - a magician, a soldier or assassin 
  8. A chapter is a part of a book containing a number of coherently related pages, but it also is a division of a secret society or religious order (later copied by motorcycle gangs) 
  9. A letter is part of a word and also a person who allows something to happen or an owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) in exchange for a compensation 
  10. A Television program is called a program for a reason; it is used to program people's minds - such is the power of words and images 
  11. Mirror is derived from the Latin 'mirare', which means to look at, variant of 'mirari' which means to wonder at or admire and is related to Miracle. In occult lore mirrors often are seen as portals to other realms or dimensions 
  12. Government exists of two parts govern derived from latin guberno, which means to control and ment (which means lying in French) that is derived from mentmens or mentis. Government thus means control of the mind or mind control, transferring a particular frame of mind
  13. Italian is Latin with a few letters jumbled, the language in which many modern languages have many roots that are forgotten today, because living language changes over time, while their original meaning remains in tact
  14. A rather well known one is live that reads evil backward, perhaps referring to the endless cycle or birth and death - Samsara - that can be escaped from by reaching Moksha, the realm of divinity and infinite progress Live being an anagram of vile and evil, characterizes the Samsara deceit very well - the infinitely repetitive cyclical processes. One only escapes from an incarceration, which is an imposed, involuntary situation, which means that life (on earth, in this universe, in this dimension, on this timeline) is evil 
  15. Perhaps a weird one is spine that is composed of the same letters as penis, which suggests that the latter bridges two spines during intercourse, which adds up to 66 vertebrae during sex, a word that represents the third '6' making a total of three sixes: 666
  16. The word police relates to policy or Polis in Greek (which means city). The Online Etymology Dictionary says the following about: Police power is the power of a government to limit civil liberties and exercise restraint and compulsion over private rights, especially to advance or protect the public welfare (which is a policy). The purpose of the police therefore is to impose a policy that is not necessarily supported by those onto whom the policy is enforced (which is why the police is also known as a law enforcement - unvoluntary - organization)
  17. Democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos, which means both devil and people, and kratia, which means power, rule or possession. This could well mean that the people are being ruled and / or possessed by dark forces in their government and associated organizations .....
  18. Oddly enough the word language originates from the French word languir, which means to fall ill and grieve. It perhaps explains why people get sick of crooked laws that are composed of ambivalent words spawned by perverse intentions, like harsh taxation, abandoning of the right to receive pensions, theft of sovereignty, denial of previously granted rights or declaration of war
  19. The word earth is an anagram of heart or the other way around, possibly referring to the fact that our planet is a living being and that mankind must take care of the relation it has with the planet that offers it a place to live
  20. The word moon reversed reads as 'no om' or no sun, since om means sun in Sanskrit
  21. The spiritual guides of the Dogon people in Africa, are the Nommo, referred to as serpents or lizards. Dogon reversed reads No God. Nommo reversed read om (the sun in Sanskrit) and mon which is reference to the moon (as in Monday) - indicating the Nommo represent the sun and moon, the complementary deities in many ancient belief systems
  22. And of course (almost) anyone knows that Santa is an anagram of Satan, whose birthday, that falls on the winter solstice, is a pagan festivity that the Roman Catholic church disguised as Jesus' birthday making it a Christian day of celebration, while ancient scripts claim Jesus' birthday was January 6, as today still is adhered to by the Russian Orthodox church
  23. Even personal names can contain hidden information; Neil Armstrong that is abbreviated to Neil A, when read backwards, reveals Alien, Natasha reversed reads Ah Satan
  24. When reading boobytrap backward it spells partyboob (.....), both of which are known to prevent access to a targeted goal by violent or distraction means - different ways, but the result is the same
  25. Another name that obscures a meaning is the Italian capital Roma, that read in reverse spells 'amor', a cynical reference to the city state of the Vatican that incited countless wars and massacres, besides starting schools all over the globe to indoctrinate scholars from a young age

This list can almost be extended endlessly, but I prefer to let people do that themselves. Hint: there are even more things to discover when also studying wordplay that combines more than one word.

The current meaning of words is always accompanied by the original one. The latter retained its innate impact over time and will affect those who use it as well as the addressed. So it's perhaps sensible to retrieve the origin of words by studying etymology in order to gain understanding of the (hidden) nature of communication.

Words have their way with people. Especially with those who don’t know what they originally meant. The ones that do though, could use them to say or write exactly what they want them to say or write without the uninformed noticing a thing.... But it is a universal law that communication affects both the sender and receiver in equal measures. So be careful what you say and how you say things.

And while western societies are ruled by their illegal justice systems and the language that those in charge use, there is an ancient perception concerning the impact of language that disagrees with their type of rule. By the way, the late, great Terence McKenna (from 4 minutes into the video) strongly disliked the human language in its current form, even though McKenna himself was outstanding in making use of it.

Language isn't a means of communication exclusively belonging to humankind. Not too long ago Facebook jumped to shut down two AI bots that began talking to each other and created a language of their own that humans do not understand. My uneducated guess is that is was an emotionless, much faster and accurate than human speech type of communication. This goes far beyond the computer programming languages that only a select group of people on this planet understands - it was a program doing some programming of its own.

And I haven't even mentioned the numerology related to letters and words of which the high ranking freemason Francis Bacon was aware on an occult level when he intentionally set out to create the synthetic English language. I may at some point in the future dive deep into the hidden aspect of language, that has a profound, yet hidden, relation with numerological noesis, practiced in non-woo woo occult circles, where world affairs are influenced from behind the veil, unbeknownst to those that are clueless about what actually are the policies, laws and secretly funded events that determine the direction into which life (r)evolves.

So perhaps we should pay more attention to what the Chinese bloke said and try to figure out what the deeper meaning of his words could be, taking into account that most nothing is what it seems to be, as I expressed in this poem. Have a nice day.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Mortal ignorance

The icon below reflects Mortal Ignorance. Most people would not consider ignorance to be a fatal condition, but as often is the case, the term quite accurately describes the nature of what it seems to suggest, while at the same time, commonly being understood differently. The rather widespread inability to fit such perception into ones perception is the lack of it. Ignorance is a deadly disorder for it prevents adding unpleasant, yet affecting matters to the scope of awareness, which all too often is reduced to a delusional comfort zone that is life threatening without the endangered noticing it, as a result of ignoring aspects (hence: ignorance) that affect life, whether one likes them or not.

Let me give you some examples. Most have probably heard of the alleged dangers of microwave and cell phone radiation, but have chosen to ignore them because the harbingers of the bad news related to these very handy devices are perpetually portrayed as tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. There are few things worse on this planet than to be labelled a conspiracy theorist, so people just prefer to ignore the possibility that they could one time be suffering from all sorts of diseases - diabetes, Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, cancer etc. -that may have been caused by the radiating devices mentioned above. And die from them like the rest of their family and friends.

The problem is that said illnesses only become manifest decades after the initial period of contamination. In the decades long period preceding the outbreak of the disease(s) countless culprits could have caused them, so why take the whistle blowers serious? There is a good chance they may be wrong - regardless of the fact that one or more of these diseases are ruining countless persons' lives on an incredible scale in horrible ways. They're obviously caused by something, but most definitely not by the reasons mentioned by the conspiracy theorists.

Project Unspeakable

The only argument supporting this opinion is the fact that mainstream media has perpetually scorned conspiracy theorists, summoning all sorts of so called 'experts' to substantiate their claims that conspiracy theorists are trying to sell bunk. Disregarding the fact that all the experts were paid by the same complex of industries that caused the diseases, made all the expensive medication, none of which was able to cure any of them, while owning the mainstream media that spread the reports acquitting them of all blame and accusing the conspiracy theorists of issuing fake news.

I could cram this blog entry with tons of links that provide argument for the case I am trying to make, but it is useless if people are reluctant to do their own research - outside of mainstreams bought and paid for channels - and prefer to dwindle in their hallucinated, induced comfort zone for which death is the only one cure. Mortal ignorance is more terminal than any disease known to mankind.

But things become even worse. In compliance with religious dogma life is not terminated after death. Contrary to religious beliefs however, the afterlife is probably a lot different from what conjured religions suggest. What every person becomes aware of before his or her death matters profoundly and determines what happens to his or her soul after death. This implies that mindlessly believing what is dissipated through 'official channels' is very dangerous, particularly since all that these sources seem to do, is to perpetually spread dis-information and omit information, which indicates the vile nature of their policies. The rabbit hole goes unimaginably deep indeed.

So, if you think all this is a heap of bull, by all means, do not do your own research, remain dwindling in your misinformed comfort zone and face the consequence of your mortal ignorance the instant you depart from this dimension. And the thing with mortality is that it keeps repeating itself over and again, until the purposely induced disposition to mindlessly ignore certain matters (labelled to be untrue by self appointed 'authorities') has been done away with. Have a nice 1000 lives to come in the same limitation and paradox riddled dimension.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Induced time line shift - CERN, Transhumanism

I would like to start this blog entry by offering a visual metaphor. The image of which you see below this paragraph. It is a sphere that has two ridges running across its surface, dividing it into three separate areas. On this sphere there are tiny observers, if one is close enough to one of the ridges, (s)he can see some of what happens on the other side of the ridge, but not all, due to the curvature of the sphere. Large parts of areas (also in the ones in which the observers are present) remain invisible unless (s)he is prepared to move in time and space. What exists and takes place in the other areas is even less known about by the observers, unless a ridge is crossed. Only taking distance from the sphere allows to obtain a broader perspective. And only when time (inside the still remaining spatial dimensions) stops all can be known.

Observers close to a ridge have some knowledge about what goes on on the other side, but it inherently implicates they know nothing about what goes on in the third area, unless they bother to move towards it. Observers around the center(s) of any of the areas, who do not move a lot, have knowledge only about what they are capable of observing within the scope of their sight and other senses. So these 'sphere beings' that are for some reason stuck to the surface of the sphere only have partial knowledge of what takes place on that surface. Apart from that surface the sphere also has an inside and a surrounding in 3 dimensional space and linear time. Things could be - and probably are - taking place there as well. Living on top of a boundary area allows to observe what is also present on it including what is above it within the reach of vision.

The sphere beings physical and mental properties are predominantly tuned to the existence of objects on the surface of the sphere. Existence inside or outside (and detached from) the sphere is at best possible only when the beings possess tools and devices that allow them to exist in the different conditions present in- and outside of the sphere. The ability to build contraptions capable of allowing sphere beings to travel beyond their natural habitat, requires knowledge. If that knowledge is correct, they may survive journeys into other places and times, if the knowledge is incorrect they will die. Knowledge acquired, is added to the scope of consciousness of which, according to Carl Jung, there are three levels as shown in the graph below.

As I mentioned in an earlier blogpost, in the movie 'Lucy' it is admitted that we have no clue what the human mind is capable of when it is capable of using in excess of 60% of its brain capacity, which is expressed in more or less similar numbers as consciousness percentages. That makes sense, since what we're currently clueless about what currently is in the unconscious volume. When that should one time occur, however, what is now unconscious will by that time be within grasp of the human mind. And when it does, it may open the portal to universal knowledge (which is infinite).

Knowledge is used to form consciousness, but has an ambiguous relationship to it; a large amount of knowledge does not necessarily play a role in the expansion of consciousness. It depends on the data and nature of the knowledge acquired. Its nature determines the nature of the consciousness that it contributed to shape. Wisdom must contain knowledge of good and evil in order to gain the ability to discern between the two. Before Eve ate from the apple and persuaded Adam to do the same, human supposedly did not possess the ability to make this distinction (the biblical tale of course is a metaphor conjured by those living in a certain point in time and space). This event may have caused humankind to shift from one time line to an other. Had it not taken place, man may have continued to exist in total ignorance of evil. But since it did occur, evil forces no longer were able to easily hide from human perception and perpetuate whatever it is that the do. On the new time line man began to have an understanding of dualistic realities. Truth on one end and lies on the other end of the spectrum. According to The Unity Process website they can be represented in formulae:

The confusion about the relation between having knowledge and being conscious has a reason that apparently is scarcely known. Dr. Pete Petersen may have a view on this matter that could lead to a more profound insight in cause of this common misconception. He says that there is a difference between the Consciousness Field and the Information Field. The latter is strongly related to knowledge. After Adam and Eve ate the apple they began to have knowledge of good and evil. With knowledge consciousness is built. Without knowledge there can be no consciousness. Knowledge has to be acquired first, before one can build a consciousness. Very clever people have calculated that the universe can store 10123 or 1090 bits in approximately 1080 atoms. As I have tried to explain in my previous blog entry, matter is mostly (if not all) space. So information is stored in space, not in matter. Space is omnipresent in the universe; it is the omnipresent Information Field. Mind you, information can be true or false - existence may have the purpose of determining the nature of information.

When using current, officially recognized science as a template, some phenomena can not be explained, like why are the centres of sun spots black instead of white (where they are supposed to be hottest) and why are some planets revolving in the wrong direction around their star (according to the standard model). When using the theory proposed by the scientists involved in the Electric Universe website, these anomalies (which is what they are called now) can in fact be explained with their diverging but logical view, while their alternative theory remains applicable for the rest of the universe. The only reason 'traditional' science still remains the commonly accepted measure of things, lies in the fact that too many careers depend on it. But the knowledge constructed in those circles is nothing but one compiled by sphere beings as described in the beginning of this article.

And then there is the matter of alternative dimensions and different time lines. It is somewhat explained in more or less common language here. Bearing in mind what I wrote in an earlier blogpost, that everything is energy - wave forms - rather than actual matter, it makes sense to assume that a frequency change is capable of changing what is perceived as reality by life forms that are present in a particular field of frequencies. This is what earthly life forms do: experience the reality or field of frequencies in which they live. The frequencies themselves are generated and tuned elsewhere. Man has arrived at a point where (s)he thinks he can alter frequencies to an extent that it allow him or her to enter a different universe by creating a portal. It is the basic goal of CERN, although never publicly admitted. The recent explosion in that facility gave rise to suspicions that there is a lot more going on at CERN than is supposedly known, even in academic circles.

Concerning the assumption that there are in fact other universes, the hypothesis of Dr. Brian Greene is interesting. He arrived at the conclusion that there was much more energy at the time of the big bang than there is present in this universe. It leads him to think that there are many more universes than this one that we live in. The complex of universes is called a multiverse. That train of thought complies with the (dubious) many worlds theory and the conclusions of the Copenhagen conferences, even if science is quibbling over the fact which of these interpretations best suits their theories. It is what one would expect in a dimension of paradoxes and limitations.

If, referring to the article in the previous link, there are such environments as alternative universes where there is no disease, famine, and suffering, it implicates that this universe tin which we live with wars, famine, violence and a plethora of misconceptions, is actually manipulated by a force beyond our imagination. Most people choose to ignore and discard this assumption because it doesn't snugly fit in their comfort zone or realm of induced consciousness. But the proof is right under their noses; there is a huge measure of unnecessary violence and suffering that could easily be resolved with the assets that are already present, even if they are carefully hidden. It requires a small fraction of the funds stashed in those of ledge accounts to resolve poverty, environments pollution, stop wars and violence etc., but the will to do that in leading factions in this world prevents it from taking place.

Those people that hide behind the veil, live on a different time line inside this universe. If one wins the American lottery of 400 million USD, it will take the winner into a different time line in the blink of an eye - from rags to riches in a second. But (s)he will still live inside this violent, unfeeling universe and most likely be tempted to participate in events that never would have been part of that person's life had he or she stayed poor. Events that would never have been part of his or her imagination before winning the lottery. The people responsible for building CERN were aware of this, which is what made them build the facility. It was their projected escape route should things not go as they had planned.

What they planned, I described in yet an other blog entry before this one. The transformation of human (and animal) life, often called transhumanism, would allow the (self) chosen ones to rule this world in any way they see fit without opposition. So they seemed to have all options covered; there was no way they could lose. At least that is what they thought. But as I wrote before: the frequency field in which life forms exist, is not generated and manipulated in this realm. Other entities or systems are in control of that. Favouring one person or group over the other is always going to lead to unpleasant situations, which is something true intelligence understands. It may lead to the situation in which it appears to be one and the same as love. The only condition for a sustainable environment.

Monday, January 22, 2018

There is a huge lack of matter in the material realm

Nassim Haramein, among many, said that there isn't a lot of matter inside matter. 0.00000001% inside an atom, give or take a few decimal zeros, the rest is space. So, if you get hit by a bus, there's a collision of forces since there is a rather significant lack of matter. But it may even be worse than that. What we see in nature are fractal patterns. These are similar patterns repeated from the infinitesimal to the immense and beyond, like the atom resembling the solar systems, solar systems resembling galaxies and galaxies resembling clusters of galaxies that in turn resemble the universe of which they are all part.

Nassim Haramein

Bearing in mind that fractal nature of nature, the subatomic particles like quarks, anti-quarks, gluons, baryons, hadrons, mesons and the (supposedly) recently discovered bosons, could also be a lot spacier than some of us currently tend to think. Probably because we haven't yet invented the tools that are able to magnify these particles to a level that allows us to see what is actual matter inside of them. All speculation of course, but the repeating pattern system of nature is undeniable.

Benoit Mandelbrot
Discoverer of fractal patterns

What this means, is that what we currently consider to be the factual matter inside matter - the 0.00000001% - could also consist of only 0.00000001% of actual matter, which in turn would appear to only contain a very small percentage of matter and so on. What we would end up with, acknowledging the fact that there is no beginning or end in fractal patterns, is nothing or something so close to it that nothing seems able to distinguish the two. The latter being a total lack of matter. It would lead to think that the material realm is actually a realm of forces that interact with each other. From the singularity at the Big Bang could have sprung a multitude of forces, not matter.

What are or may be the implications of this supposed observation? First, let's establish that no human has actually seen an atom. This results from the fact that atoms vibrate at a frequency outside of the spectrum that allows humans to see objects. The commonly drawn models of atoms are conjecture, assumption of science that needed to give their theories some sort of visible shape. The forces of clusters of atoms are visible for humans, because the interaction between the atoms contained within those clusters, vibrates inside the spectrum of visible light. It may be assumed that things that can be seen, can also be felt.

So, frequencies interacting with each other can result in different frequencies, much like radio waves can interfere with each other. It is why it is forbidden to broadcast in the frequency range used by air traffic for those not flying an air plane or not belonging to air traffic control. This means that anyone (or anything) in possession of the proper tools, like transmitters, can interfere - i.e. manipulate - frequencies. In other words: the frequencies of all objects affect each other. And as I supposedly have determined before, that objects are force fields, it is in fact those force fields, void of visible and palpable matter, that are affecting each other. Obviously in such a way that their frequencies can be seen by the human eye and felt by the human body that also is compiled of atomic building blocks that are supposed to contain matter.

The way humans perceive reality may therefore however be entirely different from what actually is the case. This sounds a lot like humans are in fact embracing an illusion. The illusion being a situation in which the 'mis informed' fail to see the deeper, underlying constructs behind what they are made to believe that reality is. In reference to the posts I submitted earlier, concerning the development of AI, this lack of understanding of the lack of material being present in the induced sense of reality, may have been created by some unimaginably intelligent artificial system (for intentionally limited human perception) that unto this day manipulates this universe and possibly countless others.

Bear in mind that in those previous blog entries I have mentioned that already now artificial intelligent systems are able to pass the Turing test, communicating on a level that is beyond human intelligence and that Facebook shut down systems that began creating a language of their own that was probably more effective than human language. In this blog entry I deliberately do not provide hyperlinks to other information sources to substantiate my thoughts, because those truly interested in the matter (or rather, the lack of it) will do their own research. Those who doubt anything I write here without doing research of their own, I consider to be beyond help and I will not waste time on discussing such unfounded opinions.

Alan Turing

I always sincerely consider the fact that my views may be wrong, partially wrong or even entirely untrue, as a result of the fact that during my lifetime I have amended and sometimes totally discarded what I previously believed to be true after having encountered information that was new to me and that allowed me to build or rebuild the piece of the puzzle that continues to fascinate me, because it is part of me as much as I am part of it.

Continuing where I left off before adding this interval, that serves to describe the nature of this blog post, forces are less difficult to direct than matter. An example of this is the patent submitted by Sony that allows users of their games to obtain scents that are appropriate to the particular game Sony designed. Of course the implications of such an invention reach far beyond the domain for which the company intended it to be used, which is probably why it has not yet implemented it in its games. The crux of the matter of this invention is that human brainwaves can be manipulated to obtain a richer sense of the reality Sony's games intend to provide. But once Sony decides to release it, it is out of their hands as well. It is like taking the lid off the bottle containing the genie.

Not surprisingly, other parties than Sony have submitted patents that also make it possible to manipulate human brainwaves. They are greater in number than most people would imagine. A modest amount of research in Google will immediately show the number and nature of inventions aimed at brain wave manipulation. This substantiates the supposition that the ability to manipulate perception goes far beyond what is generally considered to be possible. And all that is already possible with technologies that are developed in this day and age. It gives credibility to the assumption that there may exist not man-made, extremely powerful systems that are capable of creating the illusion of a reality that is manipulated to serve the intent of such systems. To grasp this, just consider the possibility that human isn't the most advanced life form existing in this universe.

There's an image here, but you
won't see it unless you click it
which actually makes my point.

All we see may be determined. All we feel as well. The notion of free will, may only be something we choose to cherish, because that may have been determined too. Without it necessarily having a logic relation to reality as it actually is (if that makes any sense...). As soon as we have taken our thoughts to the extreme, the probability of running into limits becomes huge. Either that or we are bluntly stopped in our tracks by paradox that we are unable to figure out. Humans have even turned such things into laws, like the second law of thermodynamics. Everything, always forces human into submission everywhere. Submission to forces staggeringly exceeding human wit. Those unaffected by the sadness this situation should cause (which probably includes almost all of humanity) may be suffering from the Dunning-Kruger syndrome, that is a limitation similar to all the other induced spectra that determine the scope of our perception and awareness. And all this is possible because there may be relatively easily manipulable (energetic) forces only in this universe and no actual matter whatsoever.

The bastards deleted this post, so there must be something to it they do not like. I re-posted it.