I find it difficult to accept the thought that ancient civilizations have simply vanished. It's like the flu or other types of pandamics these days; they keep coming back, everyone gets sick of them and the pharmaceutical industry gets filthy rich of selling jabs that don't work, at least they cure nobody. The propaganda that the jabs work, works better than the jabs do. It works every time, because people have been deceived and brainwashed so they don't squeak. The little information that we have about ancient civilizations seems to indicate that they had reached a level of technological advancement that may have allowed them to resolve whatever came from global geophysical disaster. After the deluge they may have moved and from where they are pose a threat to life and the current powers that be. This might explain why so many inexplicable man-made policies void of any form of logic occur all over the planet at breakneck pace. While humanity believes it is aimed at population reduction or some other invention, these induced impulses could well be caused intentionally to attempt to keep those in power, that are the spawn of those who remained on earth or in huge non-terrestrial crafts high above earth's surface during the great deluge that eradicated almost all life on this planet. It could also be the result of an ancient cosmic war in which mankind just happened to be caught. The true cause of which man is kept in the dark about, because ignorant victims are easiest to deceive, subdue and get rid of. Just overtly dump them in the canal and nobody cares.
Of course all this is mere speculation, but I perhaps I could have guessed less if historic records would not have been riddled with lies. Just as there are colossal flaws, deliberate omissions and blatant deceit in official historic narratives and in the fake fact checked blurps of current corrupt mainstream media. But where as the latter sources are instructed to intentionally create a false image of earth's past, the intuitive urge to share this blog entry is founded on the exact opposite aim. One time we will know or perhaps we already do without being aware of it. In any event current woke leadership is not going to bring is up to speed, because it conflicts with their agenda. The have more interest in giving kids in elementary school perverse sex education and in paying for proxy wars at the expense of the people that put them in office, while banks go broke and the economy is in the morgue.