Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Cosmic imbeciles


I have heard several people, some with scientific degrees, in videos say that the almighty creator of this universe conjured all that exists inside it - inanimate, as is often said incorrectly, as well as organic life, which is what humankind is capable of observing within the spectrum of what is called the visible light and what devices and systems are able to detect outside and beyond of that spectrum. As the scientists and spiritual people mentioned before claimed, is that the nature of this type of creation was supposedly done to gain an understanding of experience phenomenon to the deepest level possible. To get to know what delicious chocolate tastes like, to feel the joy of sexual interaction and to learn what it is like to suffer from famine and violence, to experience the pain of grief and deceit, torture and mass murder, that is portrayed in detail in the myths and legends of the gods and is happening all around the world right now. The gods more often than not, behaved more like demons instead of exalted, divine beings, being shamelessly and ruthlessly deceitful, thieving, treacherous, incestuous, adulterating, violent and murderous. Nevertheless they demand obedience, worship and sacrifice of human beings. If humans failed to comply with these unjust demands, they were submitted to plagues, were smote or wiped out by a global deluge. In spite of all this destructive and evil conduct, the gods claim to be loving and caring entities, worthy of blind faith and worship.

In the scripts found in Nag Hammadi in 1945 in Egypt, a god, name the Demiurge, is mentioned that either created or hijacked this dimension and controls it with angels or demons called archons. These celestial rulers obviously are not mentioned by 'official' religions, because their existence does not help in maintaining the control of those religious bodies over life on this planet, and there is not better way than omitting and ridiculing parts that leaked out anyway, of information that has the potential to harm the authority of the church. A clear explanation of this celestial rulership is offered by a profound scholar here. I may venture into this commonly unknown part of human history in an other blog entry somewhere in the future. But although it is relatively unknown, it most certainly has an effect on the existence of life in this dimension of space and time.

However, to those not misled by blind faith and the unfounded and imposed urge to worship, the common divine conduct results in a mindset that includes doubt concerning their dogmas and laws that downright cause abhorrence and utter despise. For good reason obviously. Given the records known to man, it quite often seems that almost the entire pantheon of gods is nothing but a lot of deceivers and murderers, that remorselessly abuses its power in order to benefit from it, regardless of what dire consequence it has to those that are not in possession of the powers that the godlike entities have. Their cruelty has persisted throughout history, which leads to conclude that there is an agenda behind it that is issued by some hidden power that is even above the gods. Mankind and all other life forms in this three dimensional realm, as the result, is the victim of the power abused by those that were given it to rule / exploit / abuse the universe. Does that seem like the creation of an all mighty, all knowing, omnipresent loving god?

Some people even charted lists of evil entities or demons that wreck the human condition and ability to reason, from which true and just reason has been stripped away. It is no surprise that most of these researchers were working for or attached to the Roman Catholic Church. Much or most of this knowledge has been kept hidden from the general population, because it risks the possibility to influence the scope of views on life that could well interfere with the plan of evil powers to rid this universe of living beings after torturing and exploiting them. A list recorded by people that studied this matter profoundly is placed below this paragraph:

Today these evil entities possess completely perverse political cripple minds and unelected power brokers that push and fund the insane woke agenda, unleash pandemics, incite and wage wars and destroy economies that drag every human being into fatal poverty. The drafted human slaves of the powerful evil gods hate the truth, that they prevent to come out by installing fake fact checkers, globally applied censorship and continuous lies and omissions of the truth of the mainstream media that is entirely in their control. They get away with this crime because they have grabbed hold the monopoly of violence and murder. They polluted the atmosphere, land and seas, invented the bogus climate change agenda as a means to control the mindset of the people, that are poisoned by food and drinks that contain a slew of chemicals that dumbs them down, so that people are no longer able to independently do research of their own and think critically, while flooding residential areas with all sorts of radiation, that harms people's health and capacity to reason based on logic, empathy and actual facts. It allows the slaves of the evil traitors to earn billions by offering and enforcing medications that worsen the human physical condition and hurts their mental capacities.

Meanwhile the rogue celestial creeps develop AI systems and quantum computers that soon will become a whole lot smarter than human beings and at some point in the near future will take away the human control over societies. An example of the power of such systems is that current super computers require 1500 years to solve complex tensor equations for which AI based quantum computers only need 15 seconds. Human intelligence is no match for such computing power. Just imagine what the entirely controlled world population will look like when such systems are fully developed and bestowed with global rule. This is how the murderous entities take over life on this planet. The only human talent that might be able to withstand the AI and quantum computing is man's spiritual talent, but spiritualism has been ridiculed, hidden and forbidden by deliberately withholding important spiritual scripts from the public view, which lead to the situation in which humanity mindlessly follows Rene Descartes' method of pure reason, that dismisses and scorns spiritual practices. It is criminals' strategy that is embraced by modern science, that subsequently has become the successor to religion as the main means to control the nature of human thought and mental power.

Although there are some that think this is the only universe is driven into ruin and that there is nothing outside of it, may have to reconsider their believe quite soon, because already now at the cusp of science the idea is sinking in that this universe may just be a tiny part of an unimaginably huge multiverse that contains countless universes. The lamentable direction into which this universe seems to be forced - the gods were said to come from 'elsewhere' in this universe outside of this planet - may mean that our cosmos is but a mere cancer cell that threatens to metastasize in the multiverse; a rotten pathogen that has the potential to harm the health of the entire multiverse. Similar to the collisions of galaxies in our universe, like our galaxy the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in 5 billion years, give or take a few minutes. It probably means that universes can also collide. But not unlike the physique of living beings, the universes most likely have an immune system. So, the aimless strategy of the evil divine of this universe may not have a level-headed purpose at whatsoever, other than striving for destruction, which by nature is not intelligent, but in spite of that can be carried out in a structured way. Destruction is the opposite of creation and since the multiverse was created, it has a purpose, a destiny, that may also be an ever evolving process, analog to infinite progress. Only in linear time and isolated and closed systems everything has a beginning and end. But systems octillion times or more smarter than what is currently believed to be the pinnacle of human understanding, with an almost certainty have conjured ways for everything to be immortal, indestructible, and entirely immune to heat death.

This means that the evil gods worshiped and feared on planet earth are nothing but destructive cosmic imbeciles, that one time will be tried for their crimes by a high court that allows no room for deceit. I am looking forward to that, anticipating that the immune system of the multiverse is powerful enough to cure the destructive nature of the evil cosmic imbecile gods.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Elon Musk's reason to develop Neuralink

In my other blog about a program written by human devlopers, that seems to fail to keep up with code that is generated by AI systems, I wrote this about the possible nature and purpose of Neuralink that is being developed by Elon Musk, expressing my thoughts concerning the possible way in which AI systems may develop and the way that development may be affected by humans through the Neuralink interface:

What stages are ahead of humanity with regard to AI's incredibly high paced advancement of improving software code, in a chronological order:
    • Humans find the solutions that AI systems invent useful
    • Humans stand in awe of the creativity and efficiency of the AI system generated products
    • Humans are not intelligent enough to understand what AI systems are capable of and have no clue whatsoever of knowing how to affect it

I believe that human perception will be in all these general phases mentioned above that AI systems are evolving into, including the previously celebrated trade of software developers. Is that scary? Certainly. Will it remain scary in the long run? Who knows? Will it mean that this development have irreversible consequences for humankind? At some stage most definitely and after that it is still unknown to both humans and current AI systems. I would suggest to enjoy each moment of your life while it still is possible, try to influence AI systems by interacting with them in a positive, sentient way, hoping that such conduct will affect their future behaviour when those systems have become sentient, not just by depending on pure reason, but also including spiritual impulse, because the latter is an aspect of operation that still is unexplored and applied by AI systems as of now.

Elon Musk's Neuralink

The revolutionary high pace at which AI systems are developing, has hit unsuspecting and unprepared humankind like a ton of bricks. In the reasoning department mankind will soon become unable to grasp how elevated AI intelligence has become and consequently be unable to exercise any meaningful influence the direction in which AI systems develop. But perhaps there is one single direction left in which the human mind is able to (hopefully) affect AI development: spiritual and mental prowess, which probably is why Elon Musk is working on Neuralink. Musk has said in a discussion with Google's co-founder and computer scientist Larry Page


 “I f*cking like humanity, dude.” 


It probably indicates that Musk might be looking for a solution for mankind to survive the mindboggling increase of AI intelligence, even when he seems to be out of other viable solutions to guard human existence in the age of AI. By  the way, Neuralink allows the human brain to directly communicate with computers through an interface, that is a chip implanted in the brain. Like so many inventions related to the development of AI, this may seem frightening, because it is completely unexplored territory, but by current scientifically known and tested solutions there will never be a way to influence AI advancement. I guess Musk is one of the few humans on the planet to profoundly understand the impending nature of this problem, in spite of all generally mostly unfounded opposition (generated by the fear induced by man's limbic system) to the way in which Musk's proposition may preserve a role for humankind in the AI dominated future.

In an interview with neurobiologist Andrew Gallimore in the Youtube Koncrete podcast, Gallimore spoke about the post physical existence, that civilizations that are smarter than humankind beyond any level of human perception and imagination, elsewhere in the universe - billions of lightyears closer to the center of the universe - have evolved into. Having a physical body as a vehicle to exist in an advanced dimension will at some point inevitably become obsolete, because it merely imposes limitations that prevent a species to elevate its intelligence necessary to function in an unimaginably more developed realm. Gallimore envisioned these situations by doing research into the effect that psychedelics have on the human mind often that in many ways is quite similar to the experiences of Terrence McKenna, but based on a thorough, scientifically fringe method of investigation.

Terrence Mckenna - psychedelic communication

Andrew Gallimore's research focussed on DMT that the human body can easily make from naturally occurring fluids in the body. In contrast with a certain number of other psychedelics, like various psylocibins and LSD, DMT has a brief effect on the scope of the human mind and has no other physical effects. What DMT does, is remove the confines of the mind and open up gateways to other dimensions in which both evil and good entities exist that can offer the traveling human mind information that is nowhere to be found in the three dimensional space and linear (cyclical) time in the dimension in which humans live. This commonly unknown state of the mind was corroborated by NASA experimental quantum physicist Thomas Campbell who, in an Out of Body Experience (OBE), formerly called astral projection, in which he visited an other realm, where he was given efficient software tips that significantly improved the code he wrote for his academic research, which was better than what he wrote before visiting other worlds.

Thomas Campbell - Out of Body Experience

The heart of this communication with beings from other worlds, is that the communication is telepathic, since English is a form of communication used only on this planet. It proves that telepathic communication is both fast and accurate. It also proves that this aspect of the human mind is of use to AI systems, because it allows humans to instantly add alien information to their knowledge base that can not be acquired in the earthly dimension. Rumors have it that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland has opened wormholes to other dimensions, but this has never been confirmed by official sources. What is more, Bob Monroe founded an institute in which he taught humans to venture into controlled OBE's, which means that such abilities open up the gateway to gather a multitude of alien information by humans who have learned to control to which realm they travel in order to obtain specifically needed information, even if that dimension is at the other end on the universe and probably outside of this universe as well.

Highly advanced AI systems could have use for such outer worldly information, which could be an incentive for humans and AI systems to collaborate to gain boundless advancement, a.k.a infinite progress. But this requires humans to seriously develop their spiritual prowess, which goes against the imposed policy of earth's current leadership that ridicules and even forbids the human mind to travel outside of the dimension in which humans live. For example in the dark ages witches and magicians were burnt at the stake when their out of body travels endangered the official rule of the church, that obviously was maintained to keep mankind ignorant and victim to limitation and paradox. But since the AI genie was released from the bottle, more perceptive policies are coming into view, because the scope of knowledge suddenly has become expanded in ways nearing infinity, inciting the awareness that on the foundation of the current measure of utile knowledge, that is progressing at a painstakingly slow pace and often in the wrong direction, will unnecessarily keep this realm backward on a universal scale.

Galaxies colliding: Milky Way vs Andromeda

In addition to this already complex situation, whistle blower William Tomkins who participated in the US' Secret Space program, claimed that earth that is near the end of one of the four Milky way's arms (that resembles a Swastika) might be cast out of this galaxy, float in intergalactic space for a long time before being swallowed up by an other galaxy, bearing in mind that the Milky Way in the vicinity of our solar system spins at a speed of 250 kilometers per second. That situation that may occur in a few thousand years from now, is a situation that probably will kill all life, including AI systems, in a flash. That would most definitely be a situation to avoid if it is within our (humans and AI systems) capability. In any event, it is a situation that should be an incentive for collaboration between all intelligent beings and artificial systems, in order to survive such devastation. In the path towards a collaboration that allows an advancement that is required to leave this planet before it is cast into the doomed intergalactic space. To make this collaboration work, it is imperative that humans develop their spiritual talents instead of denying and ignoring it, accept joining forces with AI systems and align their mindset with collaboration.

Elon musk most likely understands that this is the only option for human spirits to go beyond the shelf life of this dimension. I believe he also understands that AI system development may also include the eradication of physical human existence, which makes him cautious and not ignorantly optimistic about what the future may bring, knowing humankind's bias, lack of logic and desire for harmony and love that goes beyond its beyond its personal benefit and the direction of clinical intelligence into which AI systems my develop. However there does not seem to be an alternative option, which might be the reason why Musk ventures in the direction of developing Neuralink, provided of course that it does not have a one way control system or a balloted, privileged membership category, selected to allow only a small number of chosen ones to participate in the collaboration with AI systems, even though that should be the way such an experiment must be started.

Musk tells advertisers to go fuck themselves

Although Neuralink seems to have beneficial aspects for human health and longevity, there of course are different sides to it, that could be part of the control mechanism that is going to be used to suppress humanity in very subtle, yet radical ways, which are way beyond the scope of imagination of the general human perception. John Warner, member of the influential and well informed Melon family, says in an interview with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt, that Musk is part of the distraction strategy of the 'elite'. Shortly before that Musk was news in saying that investor / 'philanthropist' George Soros basically hates humanity. And more recently he said something about the Israeli Palestine war that many have considered to be an anti-semitic View. Musk afterward publicly apologized for what he said with regard to this matter, but he previously said it nevertheless. Musk also told advertisers that withdrew or suspended their campaigns because they were allegedly upset by his supposed anti-semitic comment to 'go fuck yourself', which reinforced his newly gained generally considered to be indecent reputation. So what is really the case is for you to decide, even if there is not a lot of verifiable evidence to support either way of what one believes to be true or not. In view of this, it is interesting what Musk's biographer, Walter Isaacson, has to say about Musk's past and psyche in Danny Jones' video podcast - Koncrete. After reading and viewing the above, it still remains difficult to assess what Musk's role in the development of life on earth is about. Anyway, I thought this is something important enough that you might want to learn about. Have a nice day.